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PS3 Journey: Mazedonische Philharmonie spielt Soundtrack!
Begebt euch mit Journey auf eine musikalische Reise!
News vom 04-01-12Uhrzeit: 21:14
Mit Journey erwartet uns von Sony gleich im 2. Quartal 2012 einer der interessantesten Download-Titel des Jahres für PlayStation 3. Die preisgekrönten Flower-Entwickler wollen euch dabei mit auf eine sehr spezielle Reise nehmen, die sowohl spielerisch, als auch optisch neue Wege beschreiten will.
Die musikalische Reise passend zur Entstehung des Spiels, führt uns dabei in die mazedonische Hauptstadt Skopje, wo auch folgendes Video entstand.
Wer nun Gefallen am Spiel gefunden hat, dem lege ich das GU-Preview von der letztjährigen gamescom ans Herz, welches detailliert auf die Besonderheiten des Spiels eingeht.
Lizard Labs Releases Ultimate Maps Downloader 2.7 with Better Foursquare Support and Dozens of Enhancements
Ultimate Maps Downloader 2.7 features support for new map servers as well as new tool for measuring distance, GPX files support and Foursquare integration enhancements
SKOPJE, Macedonia, July 6, 2012 — This week, Lizard Labs, developer of professional system utilities and software for Microsoft Windows, released a significant update to its flagship software, Ultimate Maps Downloader. Version 2.7 of the software includes support for new map servers (including OpenCycleMap, Bing London Map and Bing UK Ordnance Survey), a new tool for measuring distance, GPX files support and Foursquare integration enhancements, as well as fixes for issues found in previous releases and many improvements to the core components of the application.
About Ultimate Maps Downloader
Ultimate Maps Downloader can help you create your own maps. It lets you download maps of specific areas, from around the world, at different zoom levels. You can find road maps, satellite maps and more, powered by Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Bing, OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap and other services. All images are then downloaded as small tiles and can be combined into one big map image for offline use. It supports all major image file formats, and can organize collections of tiles in directory-based albums.
When it comes to mapping and views of the world, everyone can find it useful. Users can add markers on the map or simply search for nearest venues from Foursquare. You can place markers that represent airports, attractions, bars, hospitals and much more. These markers have different icons, according to what place they represent. More than 600 POI icons are included in the package. A route will be highlighted automatically if you place a start and an end point on the map. You can export all this information to a GPX file and use it on your smartphone or GPS device.
It also creates ESRI World File for downloaded images for use in professional mapping software like Global Mapper. This makes it an essential tool for mapping professionals who use GIS software.
Ultimate Maps Downloader has consistently been awarded “5 stars award” by leading software distribution sites and testing laboratories around the world. This proves us it is the best tool, for downloading maps from the Internet, available on the market.
It is available on the Lizard Labs website in a free trial version, as well as an enhanced paid version. You can download it, and view the rest of Lizard Labs’ software product offerings, at http://www.lizard-labs.net.
About Lizard Labs
Lizard Labs is a developer and provider of professional system utilities and software for Microsoft Windows. With products such as Ultimate Maps Downloader and Log Parser Lizard, Lizard Labs is enhancing the way individuals and businesses research, organize and securely store business information. At Lizard Labs, we are fortunate enough to work with many important companies to help them with their professional system utilities needs. For more information on Lizard Labs and their software product offerings, visit http://www.lizard-labs.net.
Climate for Children, апликацијата на студентот на ФОН, Дарко Божиноски, ја доби наградата од публиката и 5.000 евра на натпреварот Apps for Climate на Светска Банка. Апликацијата на 21 годишниот Дарко е наменета за децата кои преку интерактивни игри и презентации учат за климатските промени. Сите податоци кои ги користи апликацијата се отворени и јавно достапни.
„Овие презентации користат различни групи на отворени податоци така што ќе го направат процесот на учење доста поинтересен за учениците, ќе ја зголемат нивната мотивација, ќе ги запознаат со последиците од климатските промени и како може тие да придонесат во овој процес.“, ни објасни Дарко.
„Според мене со поврзувањето на отворените податоци со новите технологии како интерактивнитете табли, наставниците може навистина да го подобрат целото искуството на учениците и да придонесат за развој и стимулација кај нив преку изготвување на голем број на мултимедијални и интерактивни презентации и игри кои ќе бидат достапни за широката јавност.“
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