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Quentin Tarantino ist Serbe! Wußt ich´s doch

Und Mila Jovovich ist eine Kosovarin aus der Region von Peja.

PS: Das ist keine Provokation.:toothy2:
jetzt echt?????? wusste ich gar nicht!!!!

in "die jungfrau von orleons" und in das 5 elemet gefiel sie mir!

Wieso aber aus dem montenegrinschen Clan der "Vasojevics" ein montenegrinisch-serbischer gemacht wird und zu guter letzt der Vater dann einfach als Serbe aufgeführt wird, erschliesst sich mir nicht.

Family and early life
Jovovich (pronounced "Yo-vo-vitch" (/ˈjɔvɔviʧ/ in IPA)) was born in Kiev, Ukraine to Bogdan Jovović, a Serbian[3] medical doctor, and Galina Loginova, a Russian actress. Her paternal family's estate was at Metohija in Zlopek near Peć. Her paternal great-grandfather, Bogić Camić Jovović, was a flag-bearer of the Montenegrin Serb Vasojevići clan and officer of the guard of the King Nicholas I of Montenegro; his wife's name was Milica. Her paternal grandfather, Bogdan Jovović, was a commander in the Pristina military area, and later investigated finances in military areas of Skopje and Sarajevo, where he uncovered massive gold embezzlement. He was punished for refusing to convict his friend for the crime. Later, the communist government imprisoned him on Goli Otok. When he feared that he could be arrested again, he escaped to Albania and later moved to Kiev. Another version of the story claims that he was the one to have taken the gold. Milla's father, Bogić Jovović, later joined her grandfather in Kiev, where he and his sister graduated in medicine.[3]