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R. Haradinaj und Hashim Thaci, die Terror Paten von Bin Laden


Ramuz Haradinaj und Hashim Thaci, trafen sich 1995 direkt im Büro des Staatspräsidenten Salih Berisha mit Bin Laden um u.a. den Aufbau der Terroristen Camps in Nord Albanien zu besprechen und Terror Anschläge im Kosovo.

Einwandfrei durch Interpol und die Quelle southeeast bewiesen. Es sind direkte Bin Laden Vertreter. siehe auch Hashimt Thacis Besuch im Saudi Militär Camp mit Ilir Meta und Helikopter Mitte Mai 1999 in Kukes


Ramuz Haradinaj trifft sich mit dem Gangster und Ex-Om von Albanien Ilir Meta!


Hashim Thaci und die "Putzfrau" Madeleine Allbright, welche neben Hashim Thaci, die Schlächter von Afrika als neue Führer vermarketete und aufbaute und kriminelle Aktonen von Joschka Fischer, ebenso unterstützte.

The "Pro-American Terrorists"
by Julia Gorin [pundit/comedian] 5/30/07
Not being religious, and not being even a “cultural Muslim”, didn’t keep former Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj (currently on trial for war crimes) from meeting with bin Laden in Tirana in 1995, along with his fellow non-religious Christian-killer (and Albright darling) Hashim Thaci – at the Albanian president’s offices (Sali Berisha, who is now the Albanian prime minister).

And as we know by now, one doesn’t need to be a practicing Muslim to feel aggrieved when Muslims are arrested for plotting or committing terrorism:


Haradinja und Thaci trafen direkt Bin Laden 1995 in Tirana in einem geheimen Meeting.

Story of the Day 2001-10-24
Interpol has information that the Albanian terrorists have links with Al Qaida organization and its leader Osama Bin Laden, London-based newspaper the Independent reads. The Independent reports that Interpol’s investigation team was claiming that Osama Bin Laden was related to the Albanian criminal gangs, which have wide network of trafficking in weapons and people, prostitution and racketeering throughout Europe. Interpol also has information that recently people from the Albanian criminal circles met with leaders of the Algerian terrorist organisations. The Albanian police reported that Osama Bin Laden was also present at that meeting. According to information from Interpol, one of Bin Laden’s military commander was appointed for head of the elite terrorist units of the Kosovo Liberation Army, during the Kosovo conflict in 1999.


Da die Fakten schon sehr früh bekannt waren, was die Beiden (Thaci und Haradinaj) treiben, wurde von dem US Sonder Gesandten: Robert Gelbard für den Balkan 1998 die UCK - KLA als Terror Organisation eingestuft. siehe CNN Ausstrahlung des Interviews!


Einer der legendären Tschetschenischen Terroristen aus den Nord Albanischen Ausbildungs Camps


siehe auch GIS und FBI Reports

FBI Press Room - Congressional Statement - 2003 - Statement of Grant
D. Ashley
November 2003 Volume
72 Number 11
United States Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation


und der Top Report:

Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily | Mar.17,2004 | Gregory R. Copley,

Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily

Volume XXII, No. 50 Friday, March 19, 2004

© 2004, Global Information System, ISSA

Exclusive Special Report

“During the first half of August 2003, 300 Albanian-trained guerillas
— including appr. 10 mujahedin (non-Balkan Muslims) — were
infiltrated across the Albanian border into Kosovo, where many have
subsequently been seen in the company (and homes) of members of the
so-called Kosovo Protection Corps which was created out of Kosovo
Albanian elements originally part of the KLA. In fact, the Kosovo
Protection Force seems almost synonymous with the Albanian National
Army (ANA), the new designation for the KLA. The guerillas were
trained in three camps inside the Albanian border at the towns of
Bajram Curi, Tropoja and Kuks, where the camps have been in operation
since 1997.”



FBI Report: Agim Ceku ist Coordinator von Bin Laden


und ansonsten ist die beste Lektüre, der IEP-BND Report 2007 über den Kosovo,


über die Zusammenarbeit der UN, der Deutschen und Amerikaner beim Aufbau von Verbrecher Strukturen, welche sich jetzt Politiker und Parteien nennen.

Das berühmte "State Capture" eben.
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