Ein weiterer Beweis Kroatischer Talentschmiede, der Junge (*1996) spielt bei den Junioren Dinamo Zagrebs und ist der Sohn des ehemaligen Bosnischen Nationalspielers Sead Halilovic.
Dinamo youth football school, with great reputation in Europe, is again in the spotlight. Young hope, Alen Halilovic (15) is targeted by great Real Madrid! Kid plays as defensive midfielder and is son of former Dinamo player and nowdays youth coach in Dinamo, Sead Halilovic. Spanish media write about Alen Halilović, and as they say, he spent even four days in Madrid, and impressed Real coaches, published Sportske Novosti.
- It is a clever kid, with great predispositions. He could become a sensation, and we must not allow him to "escape" from us, although many in this age 'disappear' in development. He could be an exception because Alen controls ball like Lionel Messi - said Real Madrid scout for this region. All the NK Dinamo youth categories are in first place in their championships, and even the biggest clubs scout Dinamo gems. Examples are Filip and Luka Leko, who were supposed to join Aston Villa, but the club stopped transfer of two prospect U-17 players. It appears that in Maksimirska 128 does not need not worry for the future.
Mamic hat jedoch was dagegen und droht dem jungen Alen Halilovic mit einer Sperre bis zu seinem 18. Lebensjahr, was seine Karriere praktisch ruinieren würde...sein Vater, der in der Jugendabteilungen Dinamos arbeitet, wurde bereits suspendiert, weil er den Vertrag seines Sohnes nicht verlängern wollte.
Poslije Vahida Halilhodžića još jedan Bosanac našao se u promlemima u Dinamu. Sejad Halilović suspendovan je, jer već duže vrijeme ne želi razgovarati sa Zdravkom Mamićem o svom sinu.
Halilović, koji radi u nogometnoj školi Dinama, suspendovan je zbog izbjegavanja razgovora sa Mamićem o stopendijskom ugovoru za svog 15-godišnjeg sina Alena.
"Da, ja sam ga suspendovao. Već duže vrijeme neće da posluša moju naredbu da ode kod Mamića na razgovor. Ja sam mu nadređeni, a on nije napravio ono što se od njega tražilo", rekao je Romeo Jozak direktor nogometne škole Dinama.
Prema pisanju nekih medija sin našeg nekadašnjeg reprezentativca mogao bi obući dres Real Madrida. Iz Dinama su poručili ukoliko se Halilović ne odazove na razgovor Mamića, Alenu će uslijediti suspenzija. U tom slučaju ne bi mogao igrati dvije godine u Hrvatskoj, a u inostranstvu do punoljetstva.
"Ne želim davati bilo kakve izjave kako moje dijete ne bi imalo problema. Meni su zabranili da radim svoj posao", rekao je Sejad Halilović, nekadašnji reprezentativac Bosne i Hercegovine.
Der Mamic ist ein Arsch, so verlieren wir auch den Kampf um einen möglichen Kroatischen Nationalspieler, der immerhin in Kroatien geboren ist und sonst nicht viel mit BiH zu tun hat (bis auf den Namen).
Zwar glaube ich nicht das ein Messi alle Jahre wieder geboren wird : Jedoch hat der kleine ein Riesentalent, sonst würden die nicht so ein Riesentheater um ihn veranstalten...
Dinamo youth football school, with great reputation in Europe, is again in the spotlight. Young hope, Alen Halilovic (15) is targeted by great Real Madrid! Kid plays as defensive midfielder and is son of former Dinamo player and nowdays youth coach in Dinamo, Sead Halilovic. Spanish media write about Alen Halilović, and as they say, he spent even four days in Madrid, and impressed Real coaches, published Sportske Novosti.
- It is a clever kid, with great predispositions. He could become a sensation, and we must not allow him to "escape" from us, although many in this age 'disappear' in development. He could be an exception because Alen controls ball like Lionel Messi - said Real Madrid scout for this region. All the NK Dinamo youth categories are in first place in their championships, and even the biggest clubs scout Dinamo gems. Examples are Filip and Luka Leko, who were supposed to join Aston Villa, but the club stopped transfer of two prospect U-17 players. It appears that in Maksimirska 128 does not need not worry for the future.
Mamic hat jedoch was dagegen und droht dem jungen Alen Halilovic mit einer Sperre bis zu seinem 18. Lebensjahr, was seine Karriere praktisch ruinieren würde...sein Vater, der in der Jugendabteilungen Dinamos arbeitet, wurde bereits suspendiert, weil er den Vertrag seines Sohnes nicht verlängern wollte.
Poslije Vahida Halilhodžića još jedan Bosanac našao se u promlemima u Dinamu. Sejad Halilović suspendovan je, jer već duže vrijeme ne želi razgovarati sa Zdravkom Mamićem o svom sinu.
Halilović, koji radi u nogometnoj školi Dinama, suspendovan je zbog izbjegavanja razgovora sa Mamićem o stopendijskom ugovoru za svog 15-godišnjeg sina Alena.
"Da, ja sam ga suspendovao. Već duže vrijeme neće da posluša moju naredbu da ode kod Mamića na razgovor. Ja sam mu nadređeni, a on nije napravio ono što se od njega tražilo", rekao je Romeo Jozak direktor nogometne škole Dinama.
Prema pisanju nekih medija sin našeg nekadašnjeg reprezentativca mogao bi obući dres Real Madrida. Iz Dinama su poručili ukoliko se Halilović ne odazove na razgovor Mamića, Alenu će uslijediti suspenzija. U tom slučaju ne bi mogao igrati dvije godine u Hrvatskoj, a u inostranstvu do punoljetstva.
"Ne želim davati bilo kakve izjave kako moje dijete ne bi imalo problema. Meni su zabranili da radim svoj posao", rekao je Sejad Halilović, nekadašnji reprezentativac Bosne i Hercegovine.
Der Mamic ist ein Arsch, so verlieren wir auch den Kampf um einen möglichen Kroatischen Nationalspieler, der immerhin in Kroatien geboren ist und sonst nicht viel mit BiH zu tun hat (bis auf den Namen).
Zwar glaube ich nicht das ein Messi alle Jahre wieder geboren wird : Jedoch hat der kleine ein Riesentalent, sonst würden die nicht so ein Riesentheater um ihn veranstalten...