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Ringen in der DVR Korea



Die achten nordkoreanischen Meisterschaften im Ringen sind am Mittwoch in Pjöngjang nach drei Tagen zu Ende gegangen. Etwa 100 Ringer aus allen Teilen des Landes rangen um die Preise. Die Delegation aus der Provinz P'yŏngan-pukto gewann den ersten Gruppenpreis. Lee Joh-weon aus derselben Provinz holte einen Einzeltitel – und wurde dafür mit einem 1.000 Kilo schweren Stier belohnt.



8th National Sirum Tournament for Grand Bull Prize Held
Pyongyang, September 15 (KCNA) -- The 8th National Ssirum (Korean wrestling) Tournament for Grand Bull Prize was held at the wrestling site on Rungna Islet between Sept. 13 and 15.
The tournament, which brought together more than 100 ace grapplers selected from Pyongyang and each province, took place in league and knockout matches, divided into body-weight and catch-weight category events.

In the body-weight category event, North Phyongan Province came first.

More than 20 grapplers matched in the catch-weight category event in which Ri Jo Won of North Phyongan Province lifted the trophy.

The closing ceremony awarded the grand bull weighing nearly one ton, a gold bell and diploma to Ri Jo Won and diplomas and medals to teams and wrestlers who proved successful.
Ich sah gerde diesen schönen Artikel, der die "faszinierende Nachtansicht" Pjöngjangs behandelt.Leider ohne Foto.Und die imperialistischen Medien wagen doch tatsächlich noch zu behaupten dort wäre es dunkel:rolleyes:

Pyongyang Takes On Fascinating Night View

Pyongyang, September 15 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang streets are bedecked with new light decorations.
The rhythmic and formative decorations add to the beauty of large buildings and streets in the capital.

Kim Il Sung Square is brightly illuminated by large-sized floodlights and floor lights and the Tower of Juche Idea, Korean Art Gallery, Korean Central History Museum and their surrounding buildings are adorned with LED and other electric lights in a harmonious way.

The Chollima Street presents a fantastic view with roadside trees instarred with interconnected small lamps and the Chongnyu Restaurant, Pyongyang Indoor Stadium, Changgwang Health Complex, Ice Rink and other large buildings decorated with various shapes of lights.

May Day Stadium, Rungna Bridge, Taedong Bridge, Yanggakdo International Hotel and other structures in the city are all redecorated with lights in a peculiar way.

The fantastic night view of Pyongyang gives citizens delight, as well as hope for a bright future.

YouTube - DPRK Music 77
Find ich Klasse. Ringen ist ein schöner Sport der im Westen kaum geschätzt wird. In Asien dagegen, vorallem in Afghanistan und im Iran ist es ein sehr populärer und angesehener Sport.