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Ionian Boy


Rugova ist eine ungefähr 25 Kilometer lange Schlucht im Kosovo. Sie liegt westlich der Stadt Pejë nahe der montenegrinischen Grenze. Die Schlucht wird gebildet durch den Oberlauf des Flusses Bistrica (albanisch Lumbardh i Pejës).


-Shtupeq i Vogel
-Shtupeq i Madh
-Reka e Aliages

Die Rugova-Schlucht gilt als eine der bekanntesten Tourismus-Attraktionen des Kosovo. Die beabsichtigte Wiederöffnung der Grenze nach Montenegro würde wohl einen touristischen Aufschwung nach sich ziehen. Mit Stand August 2011 ist die montenegrinische Seite zwar asphaltiert, der Übergang jedoch unpassierbar.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Гуштер;2957653 schrieb:
Dachte es geht um den alten Zottel Rugova...
Was hat das bitte im Politikforum verloren? ;)

Das Problem ist, du denkst!

Seine Wurzeln stammen aber aus diesem Teil Kosovos.
Kosovo steht da, deshalb dachte ich das passt da gut rein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Prime Minister Thaçi: Rugova is a name signifying Albanian pride, a place of traditional folklore, a place of unique cultural value

Honorable participants

Ladies and gentlemen

Today is the 133rd anniversary of the Albanian League of Prizren, the most important political and military national organization following the resistance of George Castriota Skanderbeg in the 15th century.

One of the main goals of the Albanian League of Prizren was to protect the territory of the four Albanian Vilayets which it did through a provisional government, which raised units to defend it against the goals of its neighbors.

Within the context of this resistance organized by the political and military leadership of the Albanian League of Prizren, Rugova had the historic and geographic fate to be at the front of the defense of Albanian territories from Montenegro.

The battle of Nokshiq on 4 December 1879 was the first moment of opposition to the decisions of the Congress of Berlin to divide Albanian territories.

Many fighters from this historic area were distinguished in this battle, which before and during the National Renaissance produced 47 renowned leaders in the liberation movement.

The Rexhajs from Shkreli were distinguished in this battle and became a symbol of the victory of the battle of Nokshiq, especially the fighters Adem Isufi and Rexhë Avdija.

General Çelë Shabani, who died heroically defending Plav and Guci a month after the battle of Nokshiq was also from Rugova

Rugova has always been part of Albanian history.

It gave a distinguished contribution to the National Renaissance, and continued with the Kaçak wars between the two world wars.

After the Second World War, Rugova produced renowned activists in the liberation movement: in the 1968 demonstrations and in 1981 and in the student movement.

Proudly and with great dignity, Rugova was inseparable from the glorious war of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

It gave 17 martyrs for freedom.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Rugova is a name signifying Albanian pride, a place of traditional folklore, a place of unique cultural value

Raising this memorial is a symbolic confirmation of the rich history of this country.
