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Rumänische Lehrer streiken


Romanian teachers stage strike


BUCHAREST, Romania -- Teachers staged a general strike Monday (7 November), protesting the relatively low amounts -- totaling 4 per cent of GDP -- envisioned for the education sector in the 2006 state budget. Several weeks ago, the budget issue prompted Education Minister Mircea Miclea to resign.

In other news, Romania's National Anti-corruption Department has resumed a suspended probe against former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase. At issue is his purchase of some land at a below market price, while in office. Nastase says the investigation is politically motivated. (Rompres, Radio 1, Nine o'clock - 07/11/05)
Bei uns in Serbien streiken die Lehrer auch oft.Einmal hatten meine Cousings aufeinmal 6 Monate Ferien.

Da konnte man glatt neidisch werden.