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Sayokan - Turkish Martial Art




A Martial Art is as a system of techniques, physical and mental exercises developed as an effective means for self-defense and offense, both unarmed and with the use of weapons. The origin and history of Martial Arts is a controversial issue. We can see signs of Martial Arts in Turkish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, as well as other cultures. Turks have been warriors as long as the Turkish historians can go back. The systematized martial arts as we know it today have a clear trail leading from the Southern China-regions up to Korea, Okinawa and Japan. The details before that, and the exact details of that transfer, are greatly debated by historians and Martial Artists.
Interessant finde ich, dass beide türkischen Kampfkünste Amarok und Sayokan sich aus Irq Bitiq ableiten sollen.

Irk Bitik



sayokan USA training video 1 basics introduction and blocking - YouTube

Almanyada var mi acaba bu Sayokan Okullarindan?