er hat mit kriminellen serben zusammen gearbeitet, einem gesuchten serbischen verbrecher bei der Flucht aus den USA geholfen.
der serbe miladin Kovacevic wird vom FBI gesucht.
Head of Serbian consulate in New York fired over escape of fugitive thug
Posted on 07-03-2008
The head of the Serbian consulate in Manhattan was fired Wednesday, nearly one month after a Serbian national jumped $100,000 bail by using an illegally-issued passport to flee the U.S.
Miladin Kovacevic - Topics - NY Daily News
der serbe miladin Kovacevic wird vom FBI gesucht.
Head of Serbian consulate in New York fired over escape of fugitive thug
Posted on 07-03-2008
The head of the Serbian consulate in Manhattan was fired Wednesday, nearly one month after a Serbian national jumped $100,000 bail by using an illegally-issued passport to flee the U.S.
Miladin Kovacevic - Topics - NY Daily News