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Spiel des Monats: Carveola Incident - Made in MK


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Game of the Month - Carveola Incident [Feb 2012 ]
Carveola Incident is a First World War themed game where you defend your trench against waves of zombies.

Pumpkin Games


The game was created by Wootra Games and won sponsorship from Armor Games. Click here to play.

Between waves you can buy infantry to aid your cause and purchase different weapons. The diversity and resiliance of zombies increases as the game moves on. Eerie music and other pleasing little audio touches keep the mood zombieish.


The game is engaging to play, although the game mechanic is extremely familiar; a mouse controlled gun sight, defend something against waves of enemies who have different speeds and damage resistances. In those departments Carveola Incident fulfills its remit enjoyably well.

I contacted Wootra Games' developer, Gjorgji, and asked him about the game and how the development process went, some 18 months ago.

"As for the game itself," said Gjorgji, "I can't help you much, but I'll tell you what I remember. . . . Carveola started with the idea of a defender, quick-to-make game. But once started, we continued to add features, so in the end it took three and a half months to complete. (and we had to throw out some of the stuff, like in-game upgrades of the soldiers). "

Wootra games has also, he informs me, produced a spin-off game, Carveola Incident: 2118 A.D. and they are considering porting the original game over to PC, X-Box and Steamworks, after keen player input.

A nice element is that your view is not the whole scene, there is always a blind spot, and moving the mouse to the edges of your view will move it over to that side. Checking the radar can keep you up to date on your unseen area and you can move there to help out if one of your fellas is getting overwhelmed.

What makes the game stand out, apart from the wonderfully uninformative title, is the beauty of the design, artwork and feel of the game. Sepia drawings transport you to muddy, frightening times, and dust-speckled moody 'old footage' enforces the period mood. It raises Carveola above the usual shoot-em-all-get-better-stuff game of this genre.

Although not a new release, Carveloa Incident deserves a commendation as it is a Flash Game that has clearly had a lot of love and attention applied to give the player an enhanced gaming experience. If the team at Wootra continue to strive who knows what treasures may be on their way?

Zum Game: http://www.wootragames.com/play-game.php?game=carveola

Per Google: carveola incident - Google
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[h=2]Biggy Orbs 1.0 for iOS: Strategize Placement of Falling Spheres with R/C[/h]August 28, 2012 in Games[prMac.com] Skopje, Macedonia - Skopje, Macedonia - Indie developer Dejan Petrovski today is pleased to introduce Biggy Orbs 1.0 for iOS, an alternate form of the popular match-three game concept that incorporates Remote Control. The game consists of a single player mode (with or without Remote Control) usable on any iDevice, as well as a local multiplayer mode where up to four players use their iPhone or iPod touch as game controllers to play the game on iPad's brilliant display. Players attempt to group three or more similarly colored orbs as they fall from the top of the screen. Once aligned with at least two other identical spheres, the orbs all disappear. The object of the game is to continue in this fashion for as long as possible, without filling up the arena to the top with spheres.

Feature Highlights:
* Single or Multi-player mode
* Play with 1-4 players using iPad as console and other devices as controllers
* Engaging, brightly colored spheres
* Variety of colored orbs, faces, and designs
* Running score tally
* Pause and resume game
* Refreshing and addictive puzzle challenge

The object of the game is to continue playing for as long as possible. As orbs fall from the top of the screen, the player must continuously strategize the best location for each orb. Users can control the placement of the orbs by a simple touch of the screen. Tapping the right side will draw the falling sphere to the right, while a simple touch to the left pillar will bring it leftward. The player must attempt to drop orbs where other spheres of similar color or design reside. When three or more identical orbs are touching, they will disappear, freeing up space in the arena. If the playing arena becomes so full that there is no room for more orbs to fall, the game is over.

As the player rises to the challenge of Biggy Orbs, the variations on the orbs increase. While the players begin with only differently colored spheres, orbs with expressive faces appear as time goes on. Again, these orbs will only disappear when matched with exactly identical spheres. Soon, new patterned orbs will join the rest, making higher levels of play entertaining and extremely challenging. Player's only aid at these levels is the Black Ball - a power-up that sweeps entire row or column with orbs.

A running score tally on the bottom of the screen allows the single player to know how far he or she has come. A pause button in the upper right hand corner of the app allows the user to pause his or her game mid-play and resume it later without losing any time. The iPad console version of the game features a larger screen displaying the arena as the players take turns determining the placement of the oncoming orbs. A handy "Go!" sign on their controllers tells players when it is their turn; they tap the screens of their smaller devices on the right or left to get the orb to move as it falls. Each player's score is displayed on the left side of the larger screen throughout.

While simple to understand and operate, with its easy instructions and intuitive controls, Biggy Orbs is not lacking in challenge. Players will find themselves thinking on their feet as they attempt to strategize in the little time before the orb falls to its place. The app encourages this quick thinking and strategizing while its colors and joyful faces make it engaging and genuinely enjoyable to play.

"Biggy Orbs 1.0 is an addictive and fun new game that does not hesitate to challenge the player," states developer Dejan Petrovski.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* 3.6 MB - iPhone
* 3.2 MB - iPad

Pricing and Availability:
Biggy Orbs 1.0 and Biggy Orbs Player 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Biggy Orbs 1.0
Download from iTunes
YouTube Video
Screenshot (Multiplayer Mode)
Screenshot (Main)
App Icon

Located in Skopje, Macedonia, indie developer Dejan Petrovski decided to enter iOS mobile device development after being a developer of enterprise software with Microsoft tools & technologies and head of IT department. Copyright (C) 2012 Dejan Petrovski. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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[h=1]Sonder. (The Station): Philosophisch angehauchtes Action-Adventure ohne Hauptdarsteller vorgestellt[/h]12.11.2013 13:50 Uhr

Sonder. oder auch The Station heißt das Erstlingswerk von Kamai Media aus dem noch jungen Staat Mazedonien. Sonder. soll eine Action-Adventure ohne festen Protagonisten werden. Wie genau sich Sonder. letztendlich aber spielen wird, lässt sich noch nicht sagen. Wir haben ein paar spärliche Informationen zum offenbar philosophisch angehauchten Spiel zusammengetragen.
Die Screenshot-Sektion auf der Webseite zu Sonder. (The Station) ist derzeit leider nicht erreichbar. Deshalb können wir euch derzeit nur ein einziges (Ingame-) Bild präsentieren. [Quelle: Siehe Bildergalerie]Das Team von Kamai Media aus Mazedonien hat sein erstes Projekt Sonder. für PC und Next Gen-Konsolen vorgestellt. Alternativ soll das Spiel aber auch auf den Titel The Station hören. Worum es in Sonder. beziehungsweise The Station genau geht, ist den Erklärungen auf der Homepage zum Spiel bislang noch nicht so recht zu entnehmen. Auf jeden Fall soll es sich dabei wohl um eine Art Action-Adventure handeln, das aus der Third Person-Perspektive gespielt wird. In einem ganz entscheidenden Punkt soll sich Sonder. (The Station) allerdings ganz radikal von eigentlich allen anderen derzeit erhältlichen Vertretern des Genres unterschieden. Es wird nämlich keinen Protagonisten geben! Vielmehr kann der Spieler jederzeit in die Haut jedes anderen Charakters im Spiel schlüpfen.
Die Spielwelt von Sonder. (The Station) steht dabei niemals still. Die Geschichte entwickelt sich immer weiter. Aber natürlich habt ihr diverse Einflussmöglichkeiten. Die Webseite zu Sonder. (The Station) nennt hier beispielhaft Dialoge, Interaktionen mit Objekten im Allgemeinen und Maschinen sowie Computern im Speziellen. Nach einem Charakterwechsel bleiben getroffene Entscheidungen bestehen. Ihr erlebt die Weiterentwicklung der Story dann nur durch die Augen einer anderen Spielfigur. Allerdings könnt ihr, sollte euch eine frühere Handlung doch nicht gefallen haben, jederzeit zurückspulen.
Ziel von Sonder. (The Station) soll es laut der Webseite zum Spiel sein "zu verdeutlichen, dass Entscheidungen stark von der Perspektive des Einzelnen abhängig sind. Handlungen, die zufällig, irrational, bösartig oder sogar großzügig oder edel erscheinen, können völlig anders bewertet werden, wenn man selbst derjenige ist, der entscheidet." Wer jetzt an ein Spiel von Philosophiestudenten für Philosophiestudenten denk, liegt unter Umständen nicht völlig falsch. Wenn ihr dem Link in der Meldung folgt, findet ihr auch einen ersten Teaser zu Sonder. (The Station), der allerdings auch nicht besonders viel Licht ins Gameplay-Dunkel bringt.
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