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Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Italy

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Italy
"Italian Cultural Diplomacy & North-South Relations within the EU"
(Rome; June 12th – 14th, 2013)
The Symposium is hosted by the Honorable Francesco Rutelli, President of the ICD

Italy’s vast artistic and cultural heritage has allowed the country to use Cultural Diplomacy highly effectively as a foreign policy tool since its unification in the Eighteenth Century. As one of the founding member states of the European Union, Italy has typically been a key mediator in political and economic negotiations regarding integration within Europe. It has been called upon once again to take on this role during the current state of severe economic and political crises throughout the region.

The Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Italy will place emphasis on the ways in which the country has directly and indirectly used Cultural Diplomacy as a tool to improve its standing and relations with other countries, particularly with regard to its use of Cultural Diplomacy measures in past international negotiations, as well as the potential for its utilization in the future as a possible means of improving the financial state of the country.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the ability of successful Cultural Diplomacy tactics to ameliorate relations between Northern and Southern Europe in order to overcome the current economic and political crisis, as well as on how Cultural Diplomacy could be used internally to alleviate the long-standing Italian North-South Divide.

Symposium Locations
Based in Rome, the Conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city, and will consist of excursions to the country's top institutions and landmarks. Featured locations during the Conference will include: the Italian Parliament, the Italian Foreign Ministry, The Dante Alighieri Society, the European Commission in Rome, the Coliseum, Sistine Chapel, and Vatican City, in addition to various foreign embassies and governmental institutions.

Symposium Participants »
Participation in the Conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, human rights activists, historians, young professionals, and students, as well as other individuals interested in Italy, Europe, international relations, global politics, and related fields from across the world.

Symposium Speakers »
Speakers during the Conference will include leading dignitaries, heads of state, ministers, politicians, diplomats, academics, authors, human rights activist, journalists, authors, and artists, as well as figures and experts from international politics, economics, the cultural sector, diplomacy, and civil society and private sector representatives from around the world. These speakers will include a large number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. To learn more about the ICD Advisory Board, please click here.

Speakers for the Symposium include:
· Adele Chatfield Taylor - President and CEO, American Academy in Rome
· Antonio Paolucci - Director, Vatican Museum; Former Minister of Culture of Italy
· Alessandro Masi - Secretary General, Società Dante Alighieri
· Amb. Bruno Bottai - President, Società Dante Alighieri
· Emmanuele Emanuele - President, Fondazione Roma; President, Fondazione Mediterranea
· The Hon. Francesco Rutell- Former Deputy Prime Minister of Italy; Former Mayor of Rome
· Franco Frattini - Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy
· Giovanna Melandri - President, MAXXI Museum; Former Minister of Culture of Italy
· Giovanni Puglisi - Dean, IULM University; Italy; President, Italian Commission UNESCO
· Maurizio Fiorilli - Deputy General Attorney, Italian State
· Paolo Baratta - President, the International Biennale, Venezia
· Paolo Peluffo - Secretary General, National Committee for the National Unity Celebrations