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The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the power to override the drone—and so the drone decided that the human operator was an obstacle to its mission—and attacked him.
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naja vermutlich liegts an der aktuellen russenfeindlichen stimmung

aber dafür gab es schon vor ewigen Zeiten eine Lösung
Isaac Asimov Gebote
The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the power to override the drone—and so the drone decided that the human operator was an obstacle to its mission—and attacked him.
Armand Domalewski ist ein Wixxer mit eindeutig zu viel Tagesfreizeit. Genauso wie Jeder, der dessen Tweets teil.

Inhaltlich ist der ganze Dreck für die Welt irrelevant.