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The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU
“Sustainable Economic Growth, Further Integration and Common Identity: Moving towards a European Consensus”
(Brussels; July 3rd - 5th, 2013)

Since its foundation the EU has undergone multiple transformations in the socio-cultural, political, and economic spheres. Today, the European Union consists of 27 member states, all of which work closely together to develop policies to facilitate common interests such as the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital across borders.

Although the EU has made great strides in the past six decades- both politically and economically- the region still faces challenges in terms of delivering prosperity, bridging the gap between institutions and citizens, and creating a common and collective “European Identity.” Over four years of economic, social and political crisis have presented the EU, its leaders, and its people with a number of crucial challenges, which must be thoroughly and instantly tackled in order for Europe to be successful and to maintain its leading position in the global arena.

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU will therefore offer participants a platform to discuss the present and future challenges of the European Union, and will elaborate on the role of Cultural Diplomacy in improving European relations, enhancing cross-cultural collaboration, building democratic governance, and sustaining peace and stability in the region.

Conference Location
Based in Brussels, the Conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city, and will consist of excursions to the country's top institutions and landmarks. Featured locations during the Conference will include: European Parliament, in addition to various foreign embassies and governmental institutions.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during the Conference will include head of state and ministers, leading figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia, diplomacy, civil society, and the private sector. The speakers will also include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, economists, journalists, artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

To apply please visit:
culturaldiplomacy.org - International Symposia on CD 2013

For more information please visit:
ICD - Academy for cultural diplomacy | Symposium on CD in the EU