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Tonsprachenshit---PF updaaebitte


Im Politikforum.de gabs hier
den Thread ueber Tonsprachen allerdings wurde nur rumgeraten ohne Plan.
Konnte mir auch nix drunter vorstellen.
Hab jetzt ein Bsp. gefunden und denke das sollte auch im PF Thread vorzufinden sein.
Da ich dort nicht poste muesste das einer von euch machen.

Hier das Bsp:
Bosnian is a tonal language. Tonal markers can be used to distinguish between the meanings of various words e.g.
‘I asked him to give the money to Peter’ – ‘Zamolio sam ga da dâ novac Petru’
A circumflex needs to be added to the second ‘da’ to indicate that the ‘â’ should be pronounced as a long vowel and that the whole word should be stressed.
Das hier gehoert wohl irgendwie dazu.
In Serbian and Croatian, the sentence "Gore gore gore gore", means "up there the hills are burning worse" (however, the words have different accents). If you wanted to say that the woods in the upper hills burn slower than the woods in the lower in Serbian, you could probably say the "gore gore gore gore" even if not asked to say it with the same words. The sentence "Gore gore gore gore gore gore gore" would mean "up there, its worse that the worse upper hills burn worse in the higher parts " The Gore means hills or mountains as noun, Worse as the comparative of adjective, burn as the noun and means "up".

hat wohl was mit Tonalen Sprachelementen zu tun.....fand ich lustig....

bin durch diesen Post hier............:
Did you try Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian
It's a tonal language.
For example:
Gore gore gore.(The hills are burning stronger)
or Alija(male name) and Alija(female name).
I think that languages using clicks(Zulu and Koisan languages) are the hardest to learn.
....des users Aldin darauf gestossen....