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UCK Terroristen und USAID und ihre Terror Aktionen in Haiti


Das USAID zusammen mit der Albanischen Mafia im Hotel Daitja in Tirana sogar geklaute Luxus Autos versteigerte in Zusammenarbeit mit der UCK Mazedonischen Mafia ist bestens dokumentiert. Damals fuhren diese USAID Ganoven mit ihren Jeeps vor und mit der US Botschafts Auto Nr. 23, um die Versteigerung zu leiten.

Und genauso wie bewiesen, stehen die UCK KLA Terroristen und Banditen in Zusammenarbeit mit USAID dafür, Haiti zu terrorisieren um Geschäfte zu machen.

Die "narco-democracy" under NATO protection."

muss überall auf der Welt installiert werden. Drogen-Demokratie im Kosovo und in Haiti und die Hintermänner sind immer die Selben.

Kosovo Liberation Army helps establish "Protectorate" in Haiti
by Anthony Fenton

www.globalresearch.ca November 2004

The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/FEN411A.html

"No decision has yet been taken, but in French diplomatic circles...they say that there has been talk of a sort of guardianship! as in Kosovo... Even if the United Nations doesn't want this kind of intervention leading to military occupation, this might be inevitable until elections are organized."

Michel Vastel quoted in Haiti-Progres, March 5, 2003.

In the almost nine months since Aristide was overthrown, this piece of 'foreshadowing' by Quebec reporter Michel Vastel has resurfaced many times. Like the desire for genuine democracy in Haiti, it just won't seem to go away.

Recent findings indicate that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is employing suspected war criminals from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in Haiti. The KLA is best known as a terrorist organization with ties to the CIA, US State Department, and narco-trafficking. This news was recently reported on by Flashpoints Radio's Kevin Pina:

"All you have to do is look at their (USAID's) September document, which is published on their website, for the "Office of Transition Initiatives," (OTI) and what you will see in that document is that USAID is paying three consultants to help consult for the integration of the former brutal military into the current Haitian police force. And who are those three consultants? Those three consultants are members of the Kosovo Liberation Army."(Flashpoints interview, November 19, 2004, www.flashpoints.net )

In a separate interview, Pina states that a "source close to the U.S. embassy confirmed that there are three members of the KLA on the ground in Haiti."(1)

That they are employing KLA "training and management specialists" is stated explicitly in the USAID-OTI report cited by Pina:

"OTI continues to work closely with the U.S. Embassy and IOM to develop options for a reintegration program for former combatants. Training and management specialists of the Kosovo Protection Corps, a civilian response unit consisting primarily of former Kosovo Liberation Army members, have been brought to Haiti to assess how the Kosovo model might be applied there. OTI and IOM have also closely followed the negotiations between the former military and the IgoH (Interim Government of Haiti)."

Several news reports have indicated that members of the former army have already begun integration into the Haitian National Police. Other reports have described how former military have been seen collaborating with the United Nations in ex-military controlled areas in Northern Haiti and elsewhere.

The connection between the KLA, the United States - in particular U.S. Ambassador to Haiti James Foley and Haiti's paramilitaries/former military - is not new. In an article published the day Aristide was ousted by the U.S., Canada, and France-backed coup, Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky effectively predicted the scenario that we are now seeing played out today. Chossudovsky first describes the KLA in Kosovo:

"The KLA had been involved in similar targeted political assassinations and killings of civilians, in the months leading up to the 1999 NATO invasion as well as in its aftermath. Following the NATO led invasion and occupation of Kosovo, the KLA was transformed into the Kosovo Protection Force (KPF) under UN auspices. Rather than being disarmed to prevent the massacres of civilians, a terrorist organization with links to organized crime and the Balkans drug trade, was granted a legitimate political status."

Chossudovsky also points out the connection between James Foley (appointed ambassador to Haiti in September, 2003) and the KLA:

"At the time of the Kosovo war, the current ambassador to Haiti James Foley was in charge of State Department briefings, working closely with his NATO counterpart in Brussels, Jamie Shea. Barely two months before the onslaught of the NATO led war on 24 March 1999, James Foley had called for the "transformation" of the KLA into a respectable political organization:

"We want to develop a good relationship with them (the KLA) as they transform themselves into a politically-oriented organization,' ..`(W)e believe that we have a lot of advice and a lot of help that we can provide to them if they become precisely the kind of political actor we would like to see them become... "If we can help them and they want us to help them in that effort of transformation, I think it's nothing that anybody can argue with..' (quoted in the New York Times, 2 February 1999)"

As we consider the connection between this context and that of the paramilitaries-cum-"liberators" in Haiti, led by Guy Philippe and Jodel Chamblain, some further KLA context is essential. Writes Chossudovsky:

"The US State Department's position as conveyed in Foley's statement was that the KLA would "not be allowed to continue as a military force but would have the chance to move forward in their quest for self government under a 'different context'" meaning the inauguration of a de facto "narco-democracy" under NATO protection."
