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USA helfen der Türkei die PKK zu vernichten


Diese Kurdische Gangster Organisation PKK braucht sowieso niemand auf der Welt.

US helping Turkey deal with PKK threat


ANKARA, Turkey -- The United States understands that the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) poses a serious threat to the security of Turkey, Peter Flory, US assistant secretary of defence for international security policy, said on Thursday (10 November). Following meetings with senior Turkish military officials, he said Washington is helping Ankara shut down PKK operations in Turkey, Iraq and Europe.

Also Thursday, some 1,000 people attacked a police checkpoint in Semdinli on the border with Iraq during a peace protest that turned violent. The crowd had gathered after a bookstore bombing killed one person Wednesday. (AP, AFP - 10/11/05)
Scheiß Amis. Solange sie gegen Saddam ins Feld zogen, waren ihnen die Kurden recht, und jetzt wollen sie sie wieder ficken?
Die alte Kurdin im Fernsehen hatte recht: die Kurden haben keine Freunde auf der Welt...