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USA: SD sagt, Kosovo-Status Gespraeche zu frueh


US says too early for status talks

WASHINGTON D.C., PRISTINA -- Friday – US State Department representative Richard Boucher, said that America and the international community have the same stance regarding Kosovo.

“The stance is that it is too early to discuss Kosovo's status options. The US administration supports resolution 1244 and the United Nations Security Council's plan which demands the carrying out of standards in Kosovo by the middle of 2005. If all goes well, then the international community will begin the process for beginning discussion of Kosovo's status.” Boucher said.

EU High Official Javier Solana said that standards need to be carried out before status talks can commence.

“There is still a lot that needs to be done, especially when the protection of minority communities and the formation of a multi-ethnic community are in question, even though there has already been progress in these areas.” Solana told daily Blic.

Solana said that the EU is encouraging Kosovo Serbs and Belgrade to participate in the process of carrying out standards in Kosovo and to work on promoting security relations, free movement, decentralization and return programs.

The Contact Group has called on Kosovo politicians to reach a consensus on reforms for the local administrations. The call from representatives of the US, Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy to the Kosovo officials is a reaction to the Democratic Party of Kosovo's leader Hashim Taci demand for decentralization talks to be put on top of the Kosovo government's political agenda.

The Contact Group said that the entrance of Slavisa Petkovic as Return Minister of the Kosovo Government is a good move in getting the Serbian community involved in local institutions.


Wie ich schon mehrmals hier die Positiion der USA betr. Kosovo erklaert habe, bestehen diese auf die Durchsetzung der "Standards before Status"....

....und wie's aussieht, sind die Albanofaschisten noch weit entfernt von diesen "Standards".
Die wissen noch nicht einmal, was ein Standard ist!

Ein typischer @parti Beitrag.

Klare Statements von Top Quellen!

Ich verstehe diese Leute wie Haradinaj sowieso nicht, was die ständig für einen Unfug daher reden, den sie selbst nicht kapieren. Was will man auch von Türstehern erwarten.
...und noch ein Zeichen aus Washington....

Ich glaube, auch dem letzten Albanofaschisten, der sich erhofte, die USA wuerden im Alleingang ihre kranken Ideen Unterstuetzen, sollte jetzt klar sein, dass die Amerikaner doch nicht so wollen, wie sich die Al-baner vorgestellt haben....

Washington opposed to border changes in Balkans

| 15:05 February 02 | B92

WASHINGTON -- Wednesday – US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said today that the US is still opposed to any kind of changes of borders in the Balkans.

We believe that all states in the regions must have good relations for peace in the Balkans, which, as far as Kosovo is concerned, demands a continuation of the line drawn by the United Nations. We’re not interested in, nor do we support but continue to oppose any change of borders. Our position on Kosovo has not changed. Nothing has changed,” said Boucher.

The State Department spokesman last week said that the US and the international community had an identical position on Kosovo and believed that it was still to early to discuss the final status of the province.


wenn wir beide Sagen: Nein, keine Verhandlungen, dann gibt es auch keine Verhandlungen!

Nur die Beton Köpfe der Türsteher und Mörder im Kosovo kapieren es halt nicht.