USAID helps reconstruct schools in Macedonia
Hundreds of Macedonian schools are involved in USAID projects that are helping them provide a better educational environment.
By Zoran Nikolovski for Southeast European Times in Skopje -- 28/09/06
USAID has been helping bring computers to Macedonian classrooms. [Getty Images]
Thirteen schools in Macedonia are getting new roofing, toilets, heating systems, lighting, doors and windows with US funding. USAID has donated $600,000 for restoration of the school buildings in Tearce, Bosilovo, Kriva Palanka and Debarca.
The renovation is being carried out through the USAID project for assisting decentralisation in Macedonia. As part of the decentralisation process, school management has been transferred to municipalities.
"We believe the Macedonian government will create an environment suitable for municipal school management," said Director of the USAID Decentralisation Project William Althouse. "We are happy to provide municipalities with the financial aid for restoration of schools in this transitional period."
Hundreds of Macedonian schools are involved in USAID projects that are helping them provide a better educational environment.
By Zoran Nikolovski for Southeast European Times in Skopje -- 28/09/06
USAID has been helping bring computers to Macedonian classrooms. [Getty Images]
Thirteen schools in Macedonia are getting new roofing, toilets, heating systems, lighting, doors and windows with US funding. USAID has donated $600,000 for restoration of the school buildings in Tearce, Bosilovo, Kriva Palanka and Debarca.
The renovation is being carried out through the USAID project for assisting decentralisation in Macedonia. As part of the decentralisation process, school management has been transferred to municipalities.
"We believe the Macedonian government will create an environment suitable for municipal school management," said Director of the USAID Decentralisation Project William Althouse. "We are happy to provide municipalities with the financial aid for restoration of schools in this transitional period."