BIRN hat eine feine Sache gebastelt. Eine interaktive Karte mit allen Anklagen zu Kriegsverbrechen in Ex-Yu. So sieht man auf einen Blick wo die Verbrechen stattgefunden haben und welchen Status die Anklagen haben.
So kann man ziemlich nüchtern auf einen Blick die Verhältnisse sehen und wo sich wirklich etwas bewegt hat. Allerdings wird noch keine Relation hergestellt, sodass man nicht bewerten kann, welches Land zb. wie viele Prozesse schon zu Ende gebracht hat. Trotzdem ein sehr aufschlussreiches Tool.
War Crimes Verdict Map :: Balkan Insight
The War Crimes Verdicts Map
is an interactive tool designed by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network to provide an overview of court rulings on the crimes that were committed during the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.The map includes all final war crimes verdicts handed down by national courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia and are publicly available. It also includes verdicts handed down by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and cases in which defendants died during their trials at the ICTY. It does not include verdicts handed down by cantonal courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the district court in Brcko and the Republika Srpska court. In some of the countries, BIRN is still waiting for courts to provide all the verdicts.
Dates of proceedings in the cases section reflect the period from the indictment until the final verdict. In some cases, there were no data about when the indictment was issued.
The ‘In Figures’ section is a summary of data from the cases shown on the map; these are not official statistics issued by the courts. Total number of missing persons was provided by the International Commission on Missing Persons.
The War Crimes Verdicts Map is part of BIRN’s Balkan Transitional Justice initiative funded by the European Commission, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and Robert Bosch Stiftung. The project aims to improve the general public’s understanding of transitional justice issues in former Yugoslav countries - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

So kann man ziemlich nüchtern auf einen Blick die Verhältnisse sehen und wo sich wirklich etwas bewegt hat. Allerdings wird noch keine Relation hergestellt, sodass man nicht bewerten kann, welches Land zb. wie viele Prozesse schon zu Ende gebracht hat. Trotzdem ein sehr aufschlussreiches Tool.
War Crimes Verdict Map :: Balkan Insight