Ein Amerikaner Artikel, der die kriminelle Rolle des Wesley Clark beleuchtet, wie er Drogen- und Terroristen der UCK-KLA verteidigte und aufbaute.
Wesley Clark ist Mitglied, im geheimen Militär Kommando der USA, welches für den CIA die Drogen Kartelle der Welt dirigiert. Zu diesen Top Amerikanischen Militärs gehören nur 10-12 Personen.
Wesley Clark, defender of KLA terrorists, joins race to White House
Mary Mostert
Mary Mostert
September 22, 2003
It appears, from the news that the socialist, pro-drug, pro-terrorist wing of the Democratic Party has found its “dream candidate” to defeat the hated George W. Bush, that monster in the White House who has dared to declare war on both terrorism and drugs. At least, that’s what London’s Independent newspaper, which is still furious at George Bush ousting Saddam Hussein, tells us in a front page article entitled: “Dream candidate' Wesley Clark sets out for White House.” The article begins:
Wesley Clark ist Mitglied, im geheimen Militär Kommando der USA, welches für den CIA die Drogen Kartelle der Welt dirigiert. Zu diesen Top Amerikanischen Militärs gehören nur 10-12 Personen.
Wesley Clark, defender of KLA terrorists, joins race to White House
Mary Mostert
Mary Mostert
September 22, 2003
It appears, from the news that the socialist, pro-drug, pro-terrorist wing of the Democratic Party has found its “dream candidate” to defeat the hated George W. Bush, that monster in the White House who has dared to declare war on both terrorism and drugs. At least, that’s what London’s Independent newspaper, which is still furious at George Bush ousting Saddam Hussein, tells us in a front page article entitled: “Dream candidate' Wesley Clark sets out for White House.” The article begins: