Jetzt werden diese Terror und Mord Taktiken der UCK Anfang 1998 auch im historischen Prozess, durch höchste Englische Militärs wie Colonels bestätigt!
Ebenso die Terror Ausbildungs Camps in Nord Albanien, wo Islamische Terroristen und auch SAS Ausbilder ein sehr unrühmliche Rolle spielten.
siehe die UCK Terror Aktionen gegen die Bevölkerung in 1998 um durch Morde und Entführungen einen angeblichen Freiheits Kampf vor zu täuschen.
Die UCK produzierte mit Vorsatz Terror und Mord und dieses damalige Geschwätz "wir schützen das Volk" ist in Wahrheit das Gegenteil. Die Taktik der UCK war es, durch Terror und Morde die Strategie der Amerikanischen und Kosovaren Drogen Mafia um zu setzen.
Hier die aktuelste Aussage in Den Haag im Prozess gegen die Terror Gruppe UCK: Fatmir Limaj und Co.
Trial Hears of KLA Terror Tactics
Former attaché Colonel John Crosland – whose face was hidden from
public view by screens and image distortion, just as it was when he
testified against Slobodan Milosevic in July 2002 – told judges on
Thursday that clashes between the fledgling KLA and Serbian forces began
well before the Lapusnik camp is alleged to have opened, and intensified
through the course of 1998.
He also said the KLA regularly kidnapped ethnic Serbs in an effort
to terrorise the population, and attacked Albanians it suspected of
But while he spoke of training programmes, supply routes and
regional headquarters, he expressed some scepticism about the extent to
which the KLA had an organised command structure at the time.
Crosland’s testimony was largely made up of comments on a series of
“diplomatic telegrams” presented to him by the prosecution. The bulk of
these documents are still under seal, and two legal advisors of the
British government were present in the courtroom throughout his
testimony to ensure this measure was respected.
With reference to the events described in these reports, Crosland
told judges that even as early as March and April 1998, clashes between
Serbian forces and ethnic Albanian rebels in the Drenica Valley – a KLA
heartland - were spreading to the area around the border with Albania,
where the KLA was bringing in munitions and men along traditional
smuggling routes.
According to the diplomatic reports, by the second half of April,
western journalists were saying that the KLA virtually controlled areas
just over the border in Albania.
There were also indications that the KLA was operating training
camps in the Albanian towns of Tropoja, Bajram Curri and Kukes.
One diplomatic report presented by the prosecution noted that
kidnappings of Serbs had reached such a point that Serbs were beginning
to avoid travel around Kosovo.
“In October we estimated something like 200 Serbs were missing,
presumed having been kidnapped by Albanian elements,” Crosland told the
The witness also discussed media reports that the KLA had carried
out grenade attacks on businesses and restaurants in Pec belonging to
Albanians who were suspected of collaborating with the Serbs.
“These attacks... were similar to what went on throughout this
campaign, where Albanians who were seen to be siding with the Serb
administration were taken out and their businesses either bombed and
they themselves murdered,” Crosland told judges.
The trial continues.
Peinlich, weil damit bestätigt wird, das die NATO und alle Westlichen Politiker schon Anfang 1998 Bescheid wussten über die Terror Aktionen gegen Zivilisten im Kosovo, durch die UCK Terroristen Banden.
Peinlich, wenn dann Klaus Kinkel auch noch das THW nach Nord Albanien entsandte, für den Technischen Aufbau der Terroristen Camps in Nord Albanien.
Ebenso die Terror Ausbildungs Camps in Nord Albanien, wo Islamische Terroristen und auch SAS Ausbilder ein sehr unrühmliche Rolle spielten.
siehe die UCK Terror Aktionen gegen die Bevölkerung in 1998 um durch Morde und Entführungen einen angeblichen Freiheits Kampf vor zu täuschen.
Die UCK produzierte mit Vorsatz Terror und Mord und dieses damalige Geschwätz "wir schützen das Volk" ist in Wahrheit das Gegenteil. Die Taktik der UCK war es, durch Terror und Morde die Strategie der Amerikanischen und Kosovaren Drogen Mafia um zu setzen.
Hier die aktuelste Aussage in Den Haag im Prozess gegen die Terror Gruppe UCK: Fatmir Limaj und Co.
Trial Hears of KLA Terror Tactics
Former attaché Colonel John Crosland – whose face was hidden from
public view by screens and image distortion, just as it was when he
testified against Slobodan Milosevic in July 2002 – told judges on
Thursday that clashes between the fledgling KLA and Serbian forces began
well before the Lapusnik camp is alleged to have opened, and intensified
through the course of 1998.
He also said the KLA regularly kidnapped ethnic Serbs in an effort
to terrorise the population, and attacked Albanians it suspected of
But while he spoke of training programmes, supply routes and
regional headquarters, he expressed some scepticism about the extent to
which the KLA had an organised command structure at the time.
Crosland’s testimony was largely made up of comments on a series of
“diplomatic telegrams” presented to him by the prosecution. The bulk of
these documents are still under seal, and two legal advisors of the
British government were present in the courtroom throughout his
testimony to ensure this measure was respected.
With reference to the events described in these reports, Crosland
told judges that even as early as March and April 1998, clashes between
Serbian forces and ethnic Albanian rebels in the Drenica Valley – a KLA
heartland - were spreading to the area around the border with Albania,
where the KLA was bringing in munitions and men along traditional
smuggling routes.
According to the diplomatic reports, by the second half of April,
western journalists were saying that the KLA virtually controlled areas
just over the border in Albania.
There were also indications that the KLA was operating training
camps in the Albanian towns of Tropoja, Bajram Curri and Kukes.
One diplomatic report presented by the prosecution noted that
kidnappings of Serbs had reached such a point that Serbs were beginning
to avoid travel around Kosovo.
“In October we estimated something like 200 Serbs were missing,
presumed having been kidnapped by Albanian elements,” Crosland told the
The witness also discussed media reports that the KLA had carried
out grenade attacks on businesses and restaurants in Pec belonging to
Albanians who were suspected of collaborating with the Serbs.
“These attacks... were similar to what went on throughout this
campaign, where Albanians who were seen to be siding with the Serb
administration were taken out and their businesses either bombed and
they themselves murdered,” Crosland told judges.
The trial continues.
Peinlich, weil damit bestätigt wird, das die NATO und alle Westlichen Politiker schon Anfang 1998 Bescheid wussten über die Terror Aktionen gegen Zivilisten im Kosovo, durch die UCK Terroristen Banden.
Peinlich, wenn dann Klaus Kinkel auch noch das THW nach Nord Albanien entsandte, für den Technischen Aufbau der Terroristen Camps in Nord Albanien.