Eine direkte NATO Information, wie der Albanische Geheimdienst den Mazedonischen Geschäftsmann Remzi Hoxha, entführten und zu Tode Folterten.
Angeblich plante Remzi Hoxha einen Anschlag gegen Salih Berisha 1995 bzw. den Mazedonischen Präsidenten Kiro Gligorov. Man hofft jetzt das die Leiche gefunden wird in der Nähe von Lezhe-Nord Albanien.
5. Miscellaneous:
a. Hoxha Case: Indefinite prison for Three Former NIS Members
The papers in Albania are continuing to discuss the case of Remzi Hoxha. The three former members of the Albanian National Intelligence Service charged for kidnapping and torturing to death the businessman Remzi Hoxha from Skopje and the Kosovan Armand Loshaj were issued an indefinite arrest on Saturday by the General Prosecution in Tirana, Albania. The NIS allegedly kidnapped, tortured and liquidated the two in 1995 on suspicions the two plotted to kill the then president of Albania, Sali Berisha, and the then Macedonian president, Kiro Gligorov. The former head of NIS, Fatos Klosi, says for the Albanian daily “Shekulli” that it is a big scandal, one of the biggest, for the NIS a person to die in its hands from tortures. Sali Berisha says that he heard about Hoxha for the first time from his family members and says he has no idea on whether Hoxha plotted an assassination against him or against Gligorov. The authorities have a great hope the bodies of the two will be found around Lezha.
Source: Fakti REVIEW/2003/May/PressReview-26May03.htm
Angeblich plante Remzi Hoxha einen Anschlag gegen Salih Berisha 1995 bzw. den Mazedonischen Präsidenten Kiro Gligorov. Man hofft jetzt das die Leiche gefunden wird in der Nähe von Lezhe-Nord Albanien.
5. Miscellaneous:
a. Hoxha Case: Indefinite prison for Three Former NIS Members
The papers in Albania are continuing to discuss the case of Remzi Hoxha. The three former members of the Albanian National Intelligence Service charged for kidnapping and torturing to death the businessman Remzi Hoxha from Skopje and the Kosovan Armand Loshaj were issued an indefinite arrest on Saturday by the General Prosecution in Tirana, Albania. The NIS allegedly kidnapped, tortured and liquidated the two in 1995 on suspicions the two plotted to kill the then president of Albania, Sali Berisha, and the then Macedonian president, Kiro Gligorov. The former head of NIS, Fatos Klosi, says for the Albanian daily “Shekulli” that it is a big scandal, one of the biggest, for the NIS a person to die in its hands from tortures. Sali Berisha says that he heard about Hoxha for the first time from his family members and says he has no idea on whether Hoxha plotted an assassination against him or against Gligorov. The authorities have a great hope the bodies of the two will be found around Lezha.
Source: Fakti REVIEW/2003/May/PressReview-26May03.htm