- Turkic-speaking peoples: Kirghizs, Karakalpaks, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Kumyks, Yörüks, Uzbeks, Crimean Tatars, Azeris, Balkars, Uyghurs, Karachays.
- Kurds and Zaza
- Arabs and Assyrians
- Georgians and Laz
- Armenians and Hamshenis
- Greeks, Pontic Greeks and Greek Muslims
- Other Muslim groups originally from the Balkans (Bulgarians, Albanians, Serbs, Croats, Romanians and Bosniaks): These people migrated to Anatolia during the Ottoman Era and have been assumed to accept Turkish-Muslim identity.
- Circassians and Chechens
- Cossacks in Turkey (mostly left Turkey by 1962)
- Others: There are small groups and individuals from all over the world living in Turkey, either remnants of past migrations (there is for instance a village near the Bosphorus named Adampol in Polish, Polonezköy, "the Polish village", in Turkish) or witnesses of contemporary mass migrations towards the European Union and its periphery (there are also illegal migrants camps with thousands of Africans and others intercepted while trying to embark, or swimming from the wreckage of overpopulated small boats, for the Greek or Italian sho
- res).
Ich hab nur das gefunden!

Wie wir alle wissen wurden während der osmanischen Herrschaft auf dem Balkan Millionen von Menschen in die TÜrkei verschleppt oder haben sich dort angesiedelt!
Und letztes Jahr hatte ich auch eine Reportage darüber im kraotischen Fernsehen gesehen wie die Leute dort heute Leben und das es dort Kroaten,Serben,Montenegriner,Albaner, Slowenen und Bosniaken alle in Frieden zusammelbenen und das es manche Yugo Straßen in Istanbul gibt!

Wegen wollte ich fragen ob jemand konkrete Internet-Links dazu hat!