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Zitate über Albaner


Die griechische version hat mich dazu inspiriert. Ich fang ma an:

The Albanians have been born to resist and disobey.
- Dursam Bey = "Albaner wurden dazu geboren Widerstand zu leisten und jeglichen Gehorsam zu verweigern.

They are Nietzsche`s over-men,these primitive Albanians-something between kings and tigers
Henry Noel Brailsford = "Sie sind Nietzsches Übermenschen diese primitiven Albaner -etwas zwischen Tiger und König.

The most liberty-loving people in the Balkans is the Albanian people. The Albanian, taken alone, as an individual, is an anarchist by nature. He would brook no bondage let alone on his people, he would not let anything, seen as possibly humiliating, befall his house. The Albanian house stands alone and apart from the rest..."
Description from a brilliant Bulgarian observer and connoisseur of Albania. (1924) =kein bock zu übersetzen,zulang
(...)Where is the foe ,that ever saw their back?
-Lord Byron = "Wo ist der Feind ,der jemals ihren Rücken sah?"

They are a iron race,as hard as the rocks they inhabit.
-Lord Byron = "Sie sind eine eiserne Rasse,so hart wie die Berge/Felsen die sie bewohnen."

Es gibt noch mehr Führt meine Liste weiter wenn ihr wollt :)
The men who marched to Babylon, Persia and India were the ancestors of the Albanians.
Die Männer die nach Babylon, Persien und Indien marschiert sind, waren die Vorfahren der Albaner.

Wadham Peacock.
A few days after our arrival in this village, Spiro Milio presented himself to Mavrocordato, with a corps of two hundred picked Chimariots, the most martial-looking men in the whole army. They are not to be distinguished from Albanians, their dress and language being perfectly similar; but though their religion is Greek, they do not understand one syllable of Greek.
J.Millingen, Memoirs of the affairs of Greece, London, 1831, pages 208-209.
Scanderbeg exceeds all the officers, ancient and modern, in the conduct of a defensive army. I met him in Turkish history but nowhere else.

General James Wolfe.
Während andere sich als Christ oder Moslem bezeichnen, bezeichnet sich der Albaner als Albaner.

George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron) 1788-1824

If you want a hundred Italians to be quiet, shoot one. If you want a hundred Albanians to be quiet, you must shoot ninety-nine.

Lord Byron.
The Skipetarë are intact people who conserve the traditions of their ancestors, proud and tidy people of freedom

Peter Tassini, ambassador of the Republic of Venice, in 1455