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Juden in Bosnien-Herzegowina (יהדות בוסניה והרצגובינה)


Jewish gravestones and Holocaust monument
Serb–Orthodox Cemetery, Zmaj-Jovina Str.
The remnants of the Jewish cemetery were obliterated in 1988 for the building of a new
road. A local leader of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Father Slavko Maksimovic,
rescued some of the remaining gravestones and transferred them to the Serbian Orthodox
cemetery. With the consent of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Belgrade and
the Jewish Community in Sarajevo, Father Maksimovic arranged for the erection of a
Holocaust monument made of four of the recovered gravestones and a new memorial
marker made of black marble. There is a simple text commemorating the 150 Jews from
Brčko, who were massacred on the bridge over the Sava River on December 10th, 1941
(see below).
Holocaust Monument
The bridge over the river Sava (border-crossing “Gunja” to Croatia)
The entire Brčko Jewish community was slaughtered on the bridge over the Sava River
on December 10th, 1941. A week later, on December 16th, 236 Jewish refugees from
Austria suffered the same fate. In the late 1970s, the municipality of Brčko installed a
memorial plaque at the midpoint on the bridge, which separates Bosnia and Croatia. In
the beginning of the war of 1992-95, however, the bridge was blown up and the plaque
fell in the river. When the bridge was restored on the same place after the Dayton accord,
a new plaque was made. Its new location, however, is at the beginning of the bridge, on
the side of Republic of Srpska, (since the national border with Croatia now runs through
the middle of the bridge). The granite monument is inscribed in Serbian and Croatian.
Holocaust Monument
The furniture factory “Majevica”
28, Brace Cuskica Str.
In 1989, a plaque commemorating the fate of 286 Austrian and German Jews killed on
the Sava River Bridge on Dec. 16th, 1941 was installed in the furniture factory “Sipad” by
the local Committee of the Union of Fighters from the Popular Liberation War.
Since then, the factory, now called “Majavica,” has been privatized, so the future fate of
the monument is uncertain. The marble plaque, inscribed in Serbo-Croatian, is
freestanding inside the factory.
“Gromile”, Vrbaska Str., 70230 Bugojno
The cemetery was established in 1908, and also served the Jewish communities of
Duvno, Kupres, Donji, and Vakuf. The last known Jewish burial was in 1940. Almost
all the Jews of Bugojno were slaughtered in 1941, and no Jews returned to the town after
the war. The cemetery and its pre-burial chapel (Chebra) were damaged heavily in the
war of 1992-95, and have not been repaired. Because the cemetery was only partially
used in anticipation of what was assumed to be a growing Jewish community, city
authorities of Bugojno (in an unusual move) erected a metal fence with a gate around the
whole site to prevent incompatible development that was impinging on the site. Thus,
the cemetery retains its original size, but the gravestones are neglected, and are
deteriorating. The oldest remaining gravestone is from 1918. Inscriptions are in
Hebrew, German, and Bosnian.



Bugojno cemetery

The Jewish community in Derventa was completely destroyed in the Holocaust – only
two survivors returned after 1945 to live in the town.
The Jewish cemetery has been gradually encroached upon by incompatible
development. More than a third of the site has been used for private building. Lack of
maintenance and heavy fighting during the last war (1992-95) caused further
destruction. Hundreds of landmines were planted, and these were still present as late as

Derventa cemetery

“Bare” Cemetery
The Jewish cemetery was founded between 1876 and 1888 outside of Doboj, about 80
kilometers from Sarajevo, in an area known as “Bare.” It is situated with other
cemeteries on the slope of a forested hill. There is no fence to separate one cemetery
from another, so it is not clearly visible where one begins or other ends, and there are
some crosses in the midst of the Jewish part. There are about 100-150 gravestone stones
in the medium-sized cemetery, and many monuments reflect the former relative wealth
of the community. The inscriptions are in Hebrew, Ladino, Serb/Croatian, and German.
The oldest stone is from 1887. There are portraits on some of the stones. The cemetery
is owned by the Jewish community and it is still in use.
Es gibt doch eine Telenovela aus Serbien über eine jüdische Familie in Sarajevo um die Zeit des ersten Weltkrieges... wie hieß die blos?!
meine mutter ging mit nem juden in die schule..sie hat erzählt das die top integriert sind...er hiess dragan ----ic...und hatte auch keinen bart oder irgendwelche mütze auf dem kopf....
Judenhass in Mostar

A graffiti “Kill a Jew” has appeared on the fence of the Croatian National Theater in the center of the Bosnian city of Mostar.

The graffiti “Kill a Jew” also appeared on containers across the city of Mostar.

A symbol for the Croatian Nazi Ustasha, the U, along with the Star of David was also drawn next to the slogan at the Theater fence.

The Croatian media is attributing the appearance of the graffiti to extremist Bosnian Muslims who are upset over Israel’s intervention against Hamas terrorists in Gaza.



Die Kroaten versuchen es den Moslems in die Schuhe zu schieben und die Moslems den Kroaten dabei können es beide sein, da es auch Moslems -U- verwerden für Ustasazeichen...
Die Haggadah von Sarajevo



Die Sarajevo-Haggadah, ein Buch der religiösen Gebräuche zum Pessachfest, wurde etwa 1314 in Spanien geschrieben und 1492 nach der Vertreibung der Juden nach Bosnien gebracht. Das einzigartige Werk mit reicher Buchmalerei wurde während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und des Bosnien-Kriegs auf couragierte Weise geschützt und aufbewahrt. Heute befindet sich das Buch im Nationalmuseum in Sarajevo.