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Illyrer besiedelten zuerst Bosnien ;)

Peinlicher noch ist, dass die Albaner oder Bosnier nichtmal die ersten sind, welche die Illyrer für sich beanspruchen. Die Kroaten waren die ersten :haha:

The Illyrian movement (Croatian: Ilirski pokret, Slovene: Ilirsko gibanje) was a pan-South-Slavist cultural and political campaign with roots in the early modern period, and revived by a group of young Croatian intellectuals during the first half of the 19th century, around the years of 1835–1863 (there is some disagreement regarding the official dates from 1835 to 1870).[1] This movement aimed to create a Croatian national establishment in Austria-Hungary through linguistic and ethnic unity, and through it lay the foundation for cultural and linguistic unification of all South Slavs under the revived umbrella term Illyrian.

Aspects of the movement pertaining to the development of Croatian culture are considered in Croatian historiography to be part of the Croatian national revival (Hrvatski narodni preporod).

Nicht nur die Griechen behaupten, dass sondern die Universitäten ( keine Dorfschulen wie es sie in Bosnien oder Albanien gibt), die Forschung und die Geschichtsschreibung abseits der griechischen.
Ihr habt außerdem keine richtigen Fakten, zumindest hab ich noch nie solche gesehen.

naja so richtige kredibile Fakten hast du auch nicht gebracht. WIkipedia kann jeder Trottel rein schreiben. Wenn du schon mit Universitäten prahlst. Dann liefere was von einer Uni.
Peinlicher noch ist, dass die Albaner oder Bosnier nichtmal die ersten sind, welche die Illyrer für sich beanspruchen. Die Kroaten waren die ersten :haha:

The Illyrian movement (Croatian: Ilirski pokret, Slovene: Ilirsko gibanje) was a pan-South-Slavist cultural and political campaign with roots in the early modern period, and revived by a group of young Croatian intellectuals during the first half of the 19th century, around the years of 1835–1863 (there is some disagreement regarding the official dates from 1835 to 1870).[1] This movement aimed to create a Croatian national establishment in Austria-Hungary through linguistic and ethnic unity, and through it lay the foundation for cultural and linguistic unification of all South Slavs under the revived umbrella term Illyrian.

Aspects of the movement pertaining to the development of Croatian culture are considered in Croatian historiography to be part of the Croatian national revival (Hrvatski narodni preporod).

schon wieder wikipedia :D
naja so richtige kredibile Fakten hast du auch nicht gebracht. WIkipedia kann jeder Trottel rein schreiben. Wenn du schon mit Universitäten prahlst. Dann liefere was von einer Uni.

Bei Wikipedia kannst du genau nachverfolgen, woher die Quellen sind und das englische Wikipedia ist sogar sehr renommiert.

Beispiel von "Ancient Macedonians"


  1. Engels 2010, p. 89; Borza 1995, p. 114; Eugene N. Borza writes that the "highlanders" or "Makedones" of the mountainous regions of western Macedonia are derived from northwest Greek stock; they were akin to those who at an earlier time may have migrated south to become the historical "Dorians".

  1. J. King, Carol (28 July 2017). Ancient Macedonia. Routledge. ISBN 9780415827287. Allowing that there were living in ancient Macedonia throughout the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods people who were Greek, people who were akin to Greeks, and people who were not Greek, if one seeks historical truth about an ancient people who have left no definitive record, one may have to let go of the hope for a definitive answer. The ancient Greeks themselves differentiated between “Greeks” and “Macedonians,” and if the difference was not one of written language, then it ought to be constructive to consider what factors did differentiate the Macedonians—in the opinion of ancient Greeks.

Ich musste sogar die Quellenanzahl kürzen.
Bei jedem Wikipediaartikel den ich gepostet habe, sind im Anhang Quellen aus Universitäten zu finde.
Jeder Satz selbst ist angegeben, aus welche Quelle er kommt.
WIe kann man so debil sein und nicht verstehen wie Wikipedia funktioniert
Bei Wikipedia kannst du genau nachverfolgen, woher die Quellen sind und das englische Wikipedia ist sogar sehr renommiert.

Beispiel von "Ancient Macedonians"


  1. Engels 2010, p. 89; Borza 1995, p. 114; Eugene N. Borza writes that the "highlanders" or "Makedones" of the mountainous regions of western Macedonia are derived from northwest Greek stock; they were akin to those who at an earlier time may have migrated south to become the historical "Dorians".

  1. J. King, Carol (28 July 2017). Ancient Macedonia. Routledge. ISBN 9780415827287. Allowing that there were living in ancient Macedonia throughout the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods people who were Greek, people who were akin to Greeks, and people who were not Greek, if one seeks historical truth about an ancient people who have left no definitive record, one may have to let go of the hope for a definitive answer. The ancient Greeks themselves differentiated between “Greeks” and “Macedonians,” and if the difference was not one of written language, then it ought to be constructive to consider what factors did differentiate the Macedonians—in the opinion of ancient Greeks.

Hey Greko das nützt dir nicht viel, wird nicht akzeptiert. Die lesen nur das was die lesen wollen und sich mit deren Sichtweise deckt, mehr nicht. Eine Predigt von einem Hinterhofhodža hat mehr Gewicht als deine ganze englische Wiki.