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Albaner verüben den grössten Geldraub in der britischen Geschichte

Securitas heist: Five found guilty of Britain's biggest robbery

Detectives who caught the £53million Securitas raid gang last night insisted they will not give up the hunt for the massive cash haul that is still missing.

Although £21million has been recovered in a series of swoops, around £32million from Britain's biggest heist is thought to have been smuggled to Morocco, Cyprus and Albania.

Gang members Lea Rusha, 35, Stuart Royle, 49, Jetmir Bucpapa, 26 , Roger Coutts, 30, and Emir Hysenaj, 28, will be sentenced today after they were yesterday found guilty of plotting robbery, kidnap and firearms offences.

But Nigel Pilkington of the Crown Prosecution Service warned that the case was far from over. "He said: "This will not be the end of the matter for the defendants.

"We intend to seize their ill-gotten gains, wherever they may be."

Police believe much of the missing money is hidden in foreign bank accounts or has been turned in assets such as property.

Albanian-born gang members Bucpapa and Hysenaj are thought to have laundered some of the money in their home country by using contacts in its criminal underworld.

And fugitive builder Sean Lupton, suspected of being a part of the robbery plot, is thought to have similarly laundered cash in North Cyprus. Lupton, 47, a dad-of-two from Whitstable, Kent, has not been seen for 13 months.

He and a 25-year-old suspect who cannot be named were arrested in November 2006.

But Lupton was given police bail and is believed to have fled to Northern Cyprus, which has no extradition treaty with the UK.

Det Chief Insp Mick Judge said: "Mr Lupton is a person we want to speak to. But I have no jurisdiction in Northern Cyprus."

Lupton's wife Theresa insists police are barking up the wrong tree. She said: "I am surprised the police are still going with the line that he is in Cyprus. I am in no doubt he is dead."

Another suspect, Keyinde Patterson, has fled to the West Indies.

The five gang members were convicted at the Old Bailey after a seven-month trial. John Fowler, 59, was acquitted of similar charges.

Also acquitted was signwriter Keith Borer, 54. He admitted being paid £6,000 for disguising a van that was used in the raid with a Parcel Force logo. But he insisted he knew nothing about the robbery itself.

Charges against hairdresser and make-up artist Michelle Hogg, who helped disguise the gang, had already been dropped after she agreed to become a prosecution witness.

The raid began just after 6pm on 21 February 2006 when Rusha and a second man, who were posing as policemen, stopped Securitas depot manager Colin Dixon as he drove home.

Gang members, again posing as policemen, also grabbed Mr Dixon's wife Lynn and their young child from their home.

The Dixons were all taken to an isolated farm owned by Fowler, who later told police he was in bed at the time and knew nothing of the raid.

Mr Dixon, who was handcuffed and threatened with a gun, agreed to let the gang into the depot in Tonbridge, Kent. Lynn told the court she believed she and her child were to be killed. She said: "We were told to kneel down while someone stood over us with a gun. I thought that was it. We had served our purpose."

But the Dixons were again bundled into vehicles and taken to the depot with the gang. Rusha, Coutts, Royle and Bucpapa were among the seven heavily-armed men who burst into the building, dragging the Dixons with them.

Once inside they trussed us Mr Dixon, his family and 14 terrified Securitas workers, telling them: "You'll die if you don't do as you're told." CCTV cameras filmed the gang loading cash into a lorry during the 66-minute early morning raid. They had to leave £153 million behind because they lorry was crammed so full of notes.

The robbers then forced the hostages into cages used for storing money and locked them before fleeing. The Dixons' child managed to wriggle free and release the others.

The court was told how the gang began planning the raid at least a year before they struck.

Hysenaj got himself a job in the depot and secretly filmed the inside by fixing a 50p sized camera to his belt. Within days of the raid more than £9million was found at a south east London industrial estate.

Another £8million was discovered in a locker in Southborough, Kent soon afterwards.

A bin bag containing £105,600 was found buried under a tree at Fowler's farm.

Car dealer Fowler, who told police business partner Royle had used his farm as a base without his permission, admitted he had found the money in a faulty Land Rover that was returned to him. He claimed he panicked and buried it. Prosecutor Sir John Nutting QC said the robbers had been "motivated by the prospect of dishonest gain almost beyond the dreams of avarice." The five, from addresses in Kent, East Sussex and south London, were told they will face "very substantial sentences."

Chief prosecutor Roger Coe-Salazar said yesterday the hunt for the gang's assets was ongoing. He said they had "a very, very beady eye on asset seizure."


Car salesman Royle claimed to have been a former member of the Navy's Special Boat Service.

In reality the 49-year-old ran a used-car business near Maidstone, Kent, and provided most of the vehicles for the robbery.

Associates compared him to Del Boy from TV's Only Fools and Horses because of his mixture of bad luck and outright stupidity.

When police searched his mother's home in Maidstone, they found the keys to a white Ford van and a Volvo used in the kidnap of Mr Dixon.

Officers believe that Royle was the driver of the Renault lorry, which was used to carry the cash from the depot.


Martial arts fanatic Rusha was said to have been at the heart of the robbery and police believe he was both one of the robbers and a bogus policeman.

Rusha, 35, who lived four miles from the Tonbridge depot, had convictions for grievous bodily harm, wounding, assault and affray.

When police raided his home they found a plan of the Securitas depot with his fingerprints on it.

His DNA was discovered on a balaclava in a van containing more than £1million stolen in the raid.

Another £8,601,990 was retrieved from a lock-up he used in Southborough, Kent.


The dna of 30-year-old Coutts was found on nine of the 11 cable ties used to restrain the Securitas employees.

He ran Northfleet Transit and was linked to premises at ENR Cars in Welling, Kent, where nearly £10million of the stolen cash was found.

Police also recovered another £5,000 of stolen money from a bin liner at his workshop.

When police searched his home, they found a pair of overalls and a balaclava identical to clothing worn by the robbers.

The jury was told he was also identified on CCTV film tying up members of staff. He claimed to have been on a shopping trip on the day of the raid.


Hysenaj was crucial to the success of the robbery because he was the inside man who got a job as a guard two months before the gang struck.

Albanian Hysenaj, 28, entered Britain illegally in 1999 and left voluntarily five years later when his application for asylum was refused.

However, he returned to Britain and earned a living as a freelance interpreter. He had met an English woman during his five-year stay and, when they married, he was allowed back on a "spouse visa".

Hysenaj provided the gang with Mr Dixon's details, a map of the Securitas layout and secretly videoed the premises.


Albanian Bucpapa, 26, who recruited fellow countryman Hysenaj to the plot, was thought by police to have been both a kidnapper and robber.

He organised the reconnaissance of the depot and searched for the Dixons' home address.

Bucpapa's DNA was found on a suitcase containing £825,500 stolen in the raid. The case was found at the Ashford International hotel in Kent.

An analysis of his mobile phone records showed that he had had no less than 693 contacts with his co-conspirators.

He admitted knowing Hysenaj but denied taking part in the raid, claiming to make £1,500 from drugs trafficking.


£30m-£60m Knightsbridge safe deposit centre 1987 £26.5m Northern Bank, Belfast, 2004 £26m Brinks-Mat bullion heist, Heathrow, 1983 £2.6m Great Train Robbery, Bucks, 1963

Securitas heist: Five found guilty of Britain's biggest robbery - Mirror.co.uk
2 von 5 Tätern waren also Albaner = macht 40%. Die anderen sind dann wohl auch Albaner die ihre Namen geändert hatten.
Das rechtfertigt natürlich deinen Threadtitel.
Also nocheinmal offiziell von mir
:occasion4: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:
zu dieser phänomenalen Glanztag und viel Spaß beim Autokorso.
ändert absolut nichts daran das auch albaner daran beteiligt waren somit stimmt der threadtitel schon.ich finde es sogar besser das nicht "nur" albaner daran beteiligt waren. :cool:

Wie gesagt

2 von 5 Tätern waren also Albaner = macht 40%. Die anderen sind dann wohl auch Albaner die ihre Namen geändert hatten.
Das rechtfertigt natürlich deinen Threadtitel.
Also nocheinmal offiziell von mir
:occasion4: :hello1: :hello1: :hello1:
zu dieser phänomenalen Glanztag und viel Spaß beim Autokorso.
ändert absolut nichts daran das auch albaner daran beteiligt waren somit stimmt der threadtitel schon.ich finde es sogar besser das nicht "nur" albaner daran beteiligt waren. :cool:

sags jetzt mal auf schweizerdeutsch:

lääääääck mer am herz bisch du truuurig!!! :toothy2:
isch typisch... aber über öppis anders chönder au nöd schriebe...
es war nunmal mindestens ein albaner daran beteiligt das geht aus dem text auch hervor somit passt der threadtitel schon wenn du das nicht verstehst dann hast du wohl eine leseschwäche.über die anderen bandenmitglieder wird nicht berichtet was sie für eine nationalität haben,ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen das die "meisten" anderen auch albaner waren weil albaner generell nur mit albanern zusammenarbeiten (bei solchen sachen).

schwachsinn. albaner arbeiten so gut wie nie mit anderen albanern zusammen. jeder denkt das er übers ohr gehauen wird, kein vertrauen ist da.