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Albanian Army - Info & Gallery

Es ist international üblich, dass man sein altes Militärgerät billig verschenkt, da das Verschrotten teurer käme.
Siehe das Beispiel der BRD an Polen. Dort wurden 23 MIG 29 (technisch besser als die Phantom) um € 1 verschenkt.
Gleichzeitig wird der politische Einfluss gestärkt.

Wann hat denn Serbien Albanien angegriffen?

da gabs viele berichte nur die sind nicht zur erscheinung gekommen da man verhindern wollte das sich albanien einmischt in den ks krieg weil sonst kosovo sofort albanien geworden wäre und das kein europäer wollte
So nun ist es soweit, Albanien hat eine Spezialeinheit nach Afghanistan entsandt, die ausschliesslich für den Kampf an der Front bestimmt ist und nicht zum Peacekeeping.


Top Channel - Video: Niset skuadra e parë e komandave për në fushëbetejë

Viel Glück an sie und möge Gott mit ihnen sein.

JU jeni krenaria e jone dhe do tu uroja me gjithe zemer ZOTI qofte me JU per misionin fisnik ne drejtim te paqes e perparimit te Afganistanit

JU jeni krenaria e jone dhe do tu uroja me gjithe zemer ZOTI qofte me JU per misionin fisnik ne drejtim te paqes e perparimit te Afganistanit

bis frieden und wohlstand dort herrschen dauert es noch ewig.

ich hoffe eure regierung wird nicht angriffe und verletzte albanische soldaten vertuschen in afghnaistan wie unsere kroatische um den sinn dieser ach so noblen mission aufrecht zu erhalten.
Albania orders 100 Bv206S from Land Systems Hägglunds

11 August 2010

BAE Systems´ Land Systems Hägglunds organisation has today signed an order for 100 armoured Bv206S all-terrain vehicles valued at approximately 330 m SEK (approximately £45 million).

Hägglunds will be working with the Albanian mod and industry to deliver the programme. The order forms part of Albania’s overall requirement for some 200 vehicles.“As well as Albania, Hägglunds has sold the Bv206S to Sweden, Spain, France and Italy. Several of these countries have already budgeted for additional vehicles in their respective procurement planning and Hägglunds anticipates growing marketing potential for armoured all-terrain vehicles, especially for use by rapid reaction forces on for international operations.”
The Albanian Army currently has ordered 100 Bv206S. This Bv206S is a Commander Control variant which will be used both by Albanian Army and the Special Operation forces.
The Bv206S has a load capacity of 1550 kg and can tow an additional 2500 kg trailer. The front and rear units are connected by a unique hydraulic steering linkage, which gives greater flexibility and manoeuvrability. The vehicles simple handling qualities will effectively minimise driver training. The vehicle can be air dropped and transported by a variety of aircraft and helicopters.
The Bv206S is a variant of the unarmoured Bv206, of which Land Systems Hägglunds has built more than 11,000 units and exported to 40 countries world-wide.



Albania orders 100 Bv206S from Land Systems Hägglunds

11 August 2010

BAE Systems´ Land Systems Hägglunds organisation has today signed an order for 100 armoured Bv206S all-terrain vehicles valued at approximately 330 m SEK (approximately £45 million).

Hägglunds will be working with the Albanian mod and industry to deliver the programme. The order forms part of Albania’s overall requirement for some 200 vehicles.“As well as Albania, Hägglunds has sold the Bv206S to Sweden, Spain, France and Italy. Several of these countries have already budgeted for additional vehicles in their respective procurement planning and Hägglunds anticipates growing marketing potential for armoured all-terrain vehicles, especially for use by rapid reaction forces on for international operations.”
The Albanian Army currently has ordered 100 Bv206S. This Bv206S is a Commander Control variant which will be used both by Albanian Army and the Special Operation forces.
The Bv206S has a load capacity of 1550 kg and can tow an additional 2500 kg trailer. The front and rear units are connected by a unique hydraulic steering linkage, which gives greater flexibility and manoeuvrability. The vehicles simple handling qualities will effectively minimise driver training. The vehicle can be air dropped and transported by a variety of aircraft and helicopters.
The Bv206S is a variant of the unarmoured Bv206, of which Land Systems Hägglunds has built more than 11,000 units and exported to 40 countries world-wide.


