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Albanien - 36% mehr Touristen im Zeitraum Januar-Juli!


The number of holidaymakers visiting Albania in January-July surged by 36% on the year to 1.58 million, generating 212 million euros in revenue, the ministry of tourism reported.

Declaring vacations as the main purpose of their stay were 89% of visitors, with 3.0% entering on business and 2.0% in transit, the ministry said in a statement.

Over 90% of tourists from abroad came from Europe.

Improvement of infrastructure and promotional activities in neighboring countries that focused on low prices contributed to the rise in visits, the statement added.


Nur weiter so :p
seitdem die straßen richtung durres gemacht wurden, haben die meisten ks albaner in albanien urlaub gemacht und nicht mehr so viele in ulqin :love1: