So und jetzt liest das , da geht es um die Wurzeln der Serben , Möchtegern.....ähm Slawo-Makedonier , Kroaten usw:
All the four dialects are offsprings of the Romance languge spoken both in the North and South Danube, before the settlement
of the Slavonian tribes south of the river - Daco-Romanian in North, and the other three dialects in the South.
Genau zu lesen das die Slawen nicht die Ureinwohner des balkans sind und die restlichen Völker in den Südlichen Balkanhalbinsel vertrieben haben !
Die Slawen sind die einzigen Einwanderer und Immigranten des Balkans!
Wie kommt es überhaupt das die albanische sprache und die aromunische viele lateinische Lehnswörter in ihrer Sprache besitzen und miteinander übereinstimmen !
It is generally considered that Aromanian dialects split from the main Romanian language around 1200 years ago. It contains the same common words with Albanian as Romanian (believed to be of Dacian) and 70 early Slavic borrowings, but no Hungarian language words.
List of Dacian words
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The Romanian language contains about 200-300 words claimed by many Romanian scholars to be of Dacian language origin. A few of these also have cognates in the Albanian language. Some of these etymologies are more controversial than others: because there are no significant surviving written examples of the Dacian language, it is difficult to verify, and because the Dacian language may have been relatively close to Latin, some of these words (e.g. "mare" for "large") could be transformations of Latin words.
Examples of such words in Romanian are:
abur - "steam", "vapour"; Albanian "avull"
agale - "walking slowly"; Albanian "ngadal
" (or Greek "agalia")
amurg - "dusk"; see murg
balaur - "dragon"; Albanian "boll
" (meaning snake)
baligă - "manure"; Albanian "balg
", "bajg
baltă - "puddle"; Albanian "balt
barză - "stork"; Albanian "bardh
" (meaning white)
băiat - "boy"
brad - "fir"; Albanian "bredh"
''br u - "belt", "girdle"; Albanian "bres", "brezi"
broască'' - "frog"; Albanian "breshk
" (or Latin "brosca")
bucuros - "happy"; "bukurosh" in Albanian is "beautiful child, boy."
bulz - "ball of corn mush"
buză - "lip"; this word has the same meaning in Albanian.
căciulă - "cap"; Albanian "k
căpuşă - "tick" (insect); Albanian "k push
cătun - "hamlet"; Albanian "katun"
ceafă - "nape"; Albanian " ", "qaf
coclauri - "deserted, far places"
copac - "tree"; Albanian "kopa
/e" = beating
copil - "child"; in Albanian "kopil" and Serbian and Croatian "kopile"= bastard
cioară - "crow"; Albanian "sorr
ciot - "gnarl", "knot" (wood)
doină - "melancholy folk song"; Latvian "daina" with the same meaning
droaie - "crowd", "a lot of"; Albanian "droe", "droje"
''făr mă'' - "crumb"; Albanian "th rrime"
fluture - "butterfly"; Albanian "flutur"
gard - "fence"; Albanian "gardh"
gata - "ready"; Albanian "gat"
ghimpe - "thorn"; Albanian "gj mp", "gjemb"
groapă - "hole", "pit"; Albanian "grop
grumaz - "neck"; in Albanian, "gurmaz"= throat and it is often used in a derogatory manner
a se gudura - "to fawn"; Albanian "gudutis"
guşă - "goiter", "crop"; Albanian "gush
" (with the same meaning or meaning "Adam's apple") (Note: both Albanian and Romanian may originate from the Latin "geusiae")
a hămesi - "to starve"; Albanian "hamis"
a licări/licuri - "to sparkle"
mal - "bank", "shore"; Albanian "mal" (meaning mountain), "Mal i Zi" = "Montenegro" (Albanian "zi" black)
mare - "big"
mazăre - "pea"; Albanian "modhull
măgar - "donkey"; Albanian "magar"
măgură - "hill"; Albanian "magul
mălai - "corn flour" (perhaps derived from mei "millet", Albanian "mel")
mămăligă - "corn mush" (perhaps derived from mălai)
mărar - "dill"; Albanian "m raj", Greek "marathron"
mătrăgună - "mountain laurel"; Albanian "mat rgon
mătură - "broom"
''m nz'' - "colt"; Albanian "m s"
''m nzare'' - "sheep giving milk"; Albanian "m zore"
ţă - "cat", "kitten"; Albanian "mace" or Serbian "mačka"
mire/mireasă'' - "groom"/"bride"; Albanian "mir
" (meaning good)
a (se) mişca - "to move"
moaşă - "midwife"; same origin as moş
molid - "spruce fir"; Albanian "molik
moş - "old man"; in Albanian "mosha" = age, "moshuar" = of old age
motan - "tomcat"
mugur - "bud" (biol.); Albanian "mugull"
murg - "bay" (color), "bay horse"; Albanian "murg"
a muşca - "to bite"
pală - (hay) "quantity of hay held by a pitchfork", (wind) "breeze"
păstaie - "pod", "seedcase"; Albanian "pista
", "bishtaj
''p u, p rău'' - "brook"; Albanian "p rrua" (and/or from the Romanian "r u", which originates from the Latin word "rivus")
prunc - "baby"
raţă - "duck"; Albanian "ros
" (also Serbo-Croat "raca", Friulian "raze", Basque "eratz")
a răbda - "to endure"
răgaz - "rest", "respite"
''r nză'' - "gizzard", "stomach"; Albanian "rr s"
''s mbure - "stone", "pit"; Albanian "sumbull", "thumbull"
a speria - "to scare" (or from the Latin word espavorare)
st nă - "sheepfold"; in Albanian "stan" means "dairy", "dairy farm"
st ncă - "rock"
strugure - "grape"
tare - "hard" or "loud" (or from the Latin word talem)
ţap - "he-goat"; Albanian "cjap", Serbo-Croat "cap"
ţarc - "fold", "pen"; Albanian "carc", "thark"
ţăruş - "stake", "picket"; in Albanian "thur" means "to knit"
ţeapă - "pole", "pale", "stake"; in Albanian "thep" means "sharp peak"
ţugui - "peak", "point"
urdă - "soft cottage cheese" (incorporating whey)
varză - "cabbage" (or from the Latin word viridia)
vatră'' - "hearth"; Albanian "vat r"
veveriţă - "squirrel" (or from the Slavonic word veverica)
viezure - a wild forest animal like a ferret or marten (badger); Albanian "viedhull
zer - "whey"
Diese beiden Völker müssen schon vor den slawen schon in der Römerzeit in südeuropa gewesen seinen , schon vor den Slawen und andere Völkerscharen die in den Balkan eingewandert sind!