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albanische Homopage- Idee

albaner die sich mit serben oder Bosniern vermischten und heute keine albaner mehr sind (Montenegro):
(B-bosnier, S/M-serben montis)
Cucaj-Cucinjanin B
Gjurka-Gjurkoviq(SM) dhe(B)
Zogu-Zogoviq(SM) Nje fshat i ter ne Peje Ku nje plak i tyre ne bised me ka pranuer vet se jan me prejaredhje shqiptere.
Bala-Baliq(B) Numan baliq deputet nekuvendin e Kosoves eshte nga kjo familje.
Peshku -Peshkoviq(B)
Brala-Braliq(B) nje pjes jeton ne Peje tjetra ne Rozhaj e para Shqiptare keta te dytit Boshnjak kan hyrje dalje edhe sod dmth ndiqen ne dasma e dek.
Daci -Daciq keto i njohe personalisht pasi gjyshen e kam nga kjo familje 'jetojne ne Peje nje pjes ne Rozhaj dhe nje ne Turqi e Maqedoni perveqe ketyre ne Pej te tjeret mbahen si Boshnjak edhe pse gati te gjith e din shqipen ende.
Kapedani-Kapetanoviq(B) jan dajat e nje shokut tim thon vet qe kan qen Shqipetar.
Kryeziu-kryeziu(T)-Crnoglaviq(SM) e kan perkthy mbiemrin njejte si Palabardhet ne bjellopavliq.
Lajqi-Laiq(B) Rasim Laiq minister i minoriteteve ne qeverin serbe sod,kusheri i afert i dajeve te mi e mban veten si boshnjak edhe pse e din prejardhjen e vet Shqiptare.

Kuku-kukiq(SM)-Kukal(SM) ket familje e kam njoft personalisht se kan punu bashk m\ne ni ndermarje baba ime me kryefamiljarin ,dhe aj thoshte vet se jan me prejardhje shqiptare dhe se kusherinjet i ka nga ana e Deqanit Kukalaj thiren.

Dreka -Drekalloviq(SM)
Tahiri-Tahiroviq (B)

ein albaner aus peja hat diese informationen in einem anderen forum geschrieben.

Der Kelmendi-Stamm Plav und Gusi/Gusinje

  • Ahmetaj (Serbian truncation: Ahmetović) - from village Vusanje/Vuthaj. They descend from a certain Ahmet Nikaj, son of Nika Balaj and grandson of Nrrel Balaj, and are originally from Vukël in northern Albania.
  • Bacaj
  • Balaj (Serbian truncation: Bal(j)ić) - from village Grnčar/Gërnçari. Immigrated to Plav-Gusinje in 1698 from the village of Vukël (or Selcë?) in northern Albania and converted to Islam the same year.
  • Balidemaj (Serbian truncation: Bal(j)idemaj/Balidemić) - from village Martinovići/Martinaj. Their ancestor, a Catholic Albanian named Martin, immigrated to the village of Bregu i Trieshit in the late 17th century from the village of Selcë in northern Albania. His descendants became known as Martini/Martinović. This family remained Catholic for three generations, until Martin's great-grandson converted to Islam, taking the name Omer. Since then, the family was known as Omeraj/Omerović. Until recently was the family's name changed to Balidemaj.
  • Bruçaj (Serbian truncation: Bručaj/Bručević) - they are descendants of a Catholic Albanian named Bruç Nrrelaj, son of Nrrel Balaj, and are originally from Vukël in northern Albania.
  • Canaj (Serbian truncation: Canović) - from the villages of Bogajići/Bogaj, Višnjevo/Vishnjeva and Đurička Rijeka/Reka e Xhurës. Immigrated to Plav-Gusinje in 1698 from the village of Vukël in northern Albania and converted to Islam the same year.
  • Çelaj (Serbian truncation: Čel(j)ić) - from the villages of Vusanje/Vuthaj and Vojno Selo.
  • Dedushaj (Serbian truncation: Dedušaj/Dedušević) - from village Vusanje/Vuthaj. They are descendants of a Catholic Albanian named Ded (Dedush) Balaj, son of Nrrel Balaj, and are originally from Vukle in northern Albania.
  • Hakaj (Serbian truncation: Hakanjin) - from village Vusanje/Vuthaj.
  • Hasangjekaj (Serbian truncation: Hasanđekaj/Hasanđekić) - from village Martinovići/Martinaj. They are originally from Vukël in northern Albania.
  • Gorçaj
  • Gjonbalaj (Serbian truncation: Đonbaljaj/Đonbalić) - from village Vusanje/Vuthaj with relatives in Vojno Selo. Their ancestor, a Catholic Albanian named Gjon Balaj, immigrated with his sons: Bala, Aslan, Tuça and Hasan; along with his brother, Nrrel, and his children: Nika, Ded (Dedush), Stanisha, Bruç and Vuk from the village of Vukël in northern Albania to the village of Vusanje/Vuthaj in the late-17th century. Upon arriving, Gjon and his descentants settled in the village Vusanje/Vuthaj and converted to Islam and were known as the Gjonbalaj.
  • Kuka (Serbian truncation: Kuković) - from the village of Vusanje/Vuthaj
  • Lecaj (Serbian truncation: Ljecaj) - from the village of Martinovići/Martinaj. They are originally from Vukël in northern Albania.
  • Musaj (Serbian truncation: Musić) - Immigrated to Plav-Gusinje in 1698 from village Vukël in northern Albania and converted to Islam the same year.
  • Novaj (Serbian truncation: Novović)
  • Pepaj (Serbian truncation: Pepić) - from the village of Pepići/Pepaj
  • Prelvukaj (Serbian truncation: Preljvukaj/Preljvukić) - Originally from Vukël in northern Albania.
  • Rekaj (Serbian truncation: Reković) - from village Bogajići/Bogaj, immigrated to Plav-Gusinje circa 1858.
  • Rugovac - from the village of Višnjevo/Vishnjeva with relatives in Vojno Selo and Babino Polje. They are descendants of the Rugova section of the Kelmendi in Kosovo.
  • Rukaj (Serbian truncation: Ruković)
  • Qosaj (Serbian truncation: Ćosaj/Ćosović) - from the village of Vusanje/Vuthaj. They are descendants of a certain Qosa Stanishaj, son of Stanisha Nrrelaj and are originally from Vukël in northern Albania.
  • Selimaj (Serbian truncation: Seljimaj/Sel(j)imović)
  • Suknović - descendants of the Rugovac clan.
  • Ulaj (Serbian truncation: Uljaj/Ul(j)ević) - from the village of Vusanje/Vuthaj. They are originally from Vukël in northen Albania. They are descendants of a certain Ulë Nikaj, son of Nika Nrrelaj.
  • Vukel (Serbian truncation: Vukelj) - from the village of Dolja/Dola. They immigrated to Gusinje in 1675 from the village of Vukël in northern Albania. A certain bey from the Šabanagić clan gave the Vukel clan the village of Dolja, where they continue to reside present-day.
  • Vuçetaj (Serbian truncation: Vučetaj/Vučetović) - from village Vusanje/Vuthaj. They are originally from Vukël in northen Albania. They are descendants of a certain Vuçetë Nikaj, son of Nika Nrrelaj.
Ich hab mir mal gedacht..

DA wir Albaner ein Stammstruktur haben sollten wir uns alle irgendwo eintragen.

Ich mein das so- ICh stamme vom Stamm THAC wie HAshim Thaci^^ dan wird die ganze Familie gepostet, vater, Grossvater.

Also ein ganzer Stammbaum aller Albaner.

was meint ihr dazu? Jemand auch bereit mir dabei zu helfen? ich hab kein Plan von Servern und Hompages..ect. ICh hab nur Ideen... :lol:

was mich bei diesem User hier wundert, wenn man gesperrt ist, dann hat man doch unter dem nick also rangname stehen das man gesperrt ist, bei dem aber nicht :confused: :eh: