Amarth - Thousand Years of Oppression Live - Bloodshed Over Bochum 2008 - YouTube
You doubted him (Odin), and spread their lies
Across the world, with sword in hand
You raped our souls, and stole our right
All for the words of mild-mannered man
You listened to mild-mannered god
And put your faith in deceitful words
Your powertrip was paid by blood
In kindness' name you spilled our blood
I refuse to submit
To the god you say is kind
I know what's right, and it is time
It's time to fight, and free our minds
Let me die without fear
As I have lived without it
So shut your mouth and spare my ears
I'm fed up with all your bullshit
After a thousand years of oppression
Let the berserks rise again
Let the world hear these words once more
"Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norsemen"
Our sprits were forged in snow and ice
To bend like steel forged over fire
We were not made to bend like reed
Or turn the other cheek.
Das Lied ist über die 1000-jährige Unterdrückung der Nordmänner durch die Christen und wie sie eben gewaltsam versucht haben ihren Glauben zu verbreiten...