Als Altkirchenslawisch (Eigenbezeichnung словѣньскъ ѩзыкъ, transliteriert slověnьskъ językъ ‘slawische Sprache’) bezeichnet man die älteste slawische Schriftsprache, die um 860 entwickelt bzw. festgehalten wurde und aus der gegen Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts verschiedene Varietäten des Kirchenslawischen hervorgegangen sind.
Slavic language based primarily on the Macedonian (South Slavic) dialects around Thessalonica (Thessaloníki). It was used in the 9th century by the missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius, who were natives of Thessalonica, for preaching to the Moravian Slavs and for translating the Bible into Slavic. Old Church Slavonic was the first Slavic literary language and was written in two alphabets known as Glagolitic and Cyrillic (the invention of Glagolitic has been ascribed to St. Cyril). Old Church Slavonic was readily adopted in other Slavic regions, where, with local modifications, it remained the religious and literary language of Orthodox Slavs throughout the Middle Ages.
Old Church Slavonic language -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
nie wieder will ich hören wir reden einen mischmasch aus bulgarisch und serbisch, wohl eher reden die anderen slawen einen slawo-mazedonischen mischmasch.
habe die ehre
Slavic language based primarily on the Macedonian (South Slavic) dialects around Thessalonica (Thessaloníki). It was used in the 9th century by the missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius, who were natives of Thessalonica, for preaching to the Moravian Slavs and for translating the Bible into Slavic. Old Church Slavonic was the first Slavic literary language and was written in two alphabets known as Glagolitic and Cyrillic (the invention of Glagolitic has been ascribed to St. Cyril). Old Church Slavonic was readily adopted in other Slavic regions, where, with local modifications, it remained the religious and literary language of Orthodox Slavs throughout the Middle Ages.
Old Church Slavonic language -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
nie wieder will ich hören wir reden einen mischmasch aus bulgarisch und serbisch, wohl eher reden die anderen slawen einen slawo-mazedonischen mischmasch.
habe die ehre