John Wayne
Keyboard Turner
die PA bekommt jährlich $530m. davon kommen ganze 22% von der islamischen welt, den rest kommt vom westen. und von den arabern zahlen auch nur die saudis, und nachdem die amis druck gemacht haben die VAE....
Only Saudi Arabia and UAE giving any money at all and even their donations have dropped off precipitously.
On the eve of the resumption of direct peace talks, the Palestinian Authority on Monday expressed hope that the Arab countries will finally keep their promises to help the PA financially.
Most of the Arab countries have failed to meet their previous pledges to provide the Palestinians with financial aid, the PA said. With the exception of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Arab world was continuing to ignore the Palestinians’ repeated requests for help, the PA added.
haha, da lach ich mir ja den arsch ab. so sieht also die solidarität unter arabischen brüdern aus... erst große versprechungen machen, und dann net zahlen... den mist kennen wir ja schon von der fluthilfe für pakistan
Only Saudi Arabia and UAE giving any money at all and even their donations have dropped off precipitously.
On the eve of the resumption of direct peace talks, the Palestinian Authority on Monday expressed hope that the Arab countries will finally keep their promises to help the PA financially.
Most of the Arab countries have failed to meet their previous pledges to provide the Palestinians with financial aid, the PA said. With the exception of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Arab world was continuing to ignore the Palestinians’ repeated requests for help, the PA added.
haha, da lach ich mir ja den arsch ab. so sieht also die solidarität unter arabischen brüdern aus... erst große versprechungen machen, und dann net zahlen... den mist kennen wir ja schon von der fluthilfe für pakistan