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Attack on Serb house in Kosovo


Attack on Serb house in Kosovo

24 October 2008 | 15:02 | Source: Tanjug

GNJILANE -- Three Molotov cocktails were thrown this morning into the garden of a Kosovo Serb, Dragan Antić, in the village of Berivojce near Kosovska Kamenica.

The bombs there thrown by an unidentified attacker today at around 05:00 CET.

No one was injured and no material damage was incurred. Six members of the Antić family were sleeping in the house at the time.

KFOR officials and Kosovo police are investigating the incident and have established that one of the bombs fell on a car, another next to the garden wall and a third near a shed.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident in Berivojce, an ethnically mixed village.

B92 - News - Crime & War crimes - Attack on Serb house in Kosovo

Molotovljevim koktelima na kuću Srba

Tri molotovljeva koktela bačena su jutros u dvorište kuće Dragana Antića u selu Berivojce kod Kosovske Kamenice, preneli su Tanjugu srpski izvori iz Kosovskog pomoravlja.

Zapaljive naprave bacile su nepoznate osobe jutros oko pet časova.

Nije bilo povređenih ni materijalne štete, a u kući Antića u to vreme spavalo je šestoro članova porodice.

Kfor i pripadnici kosovske policije su tokom uviđaja otkrili da je jedna zapaljiva naprava pala na automobil, druga pored zida dvorišta a treća među pomoćne objekte.

Nakon obavljenog uviđaja policija je započela istragu povodom incidenta.

Inače, Berivojce je etnički mešovito selo.


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Geh auf Google.de oder .ch und dann steht rechts unten, neben dem Logo, Sprachtools. Dort kannst du dann die Sprache vom Englischen ins Deutsche wählen, den Text reinkopieren und das wars!

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