Liebe deinen Nächsten
Ich habe vor zwei oder drei Jahren beantragt, einer katholischen Ritterschaft beizutreten, und mir wurde die Erlaubnis erteilt. Ich mache nichts, aber ich habe am Morgen eine E-Mail erhalten, in der ich zusammen mit anderen als „Ritter angesprochen wurde. Und mir wurde schon vor paar Monaten gesagt, dass ich Mitglied bin.
Also bin ich Ritter geworden, also bin ich kein "Bauer" mehr auf dem Schachbrett.
Knights! Fellow Catholics!
I hope that you had a blessed 24th Sunday after Pentecost! As you are aware, Bishop Joseph Strickland, a staunch pro-life advocate and supporter of the Tridentine Mass, was removed from the Diocese of Tyler by Pope Francis this Saturday. His Excellency, along with Holy Mother Church, needs our support and prayers. As the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen proclaimed decades ago, that it would be the laity who would save the Church.
Also bin ich Ritter geworden, also bin ich kein "Bauer" mehr auf dem Schachbrett.
Knights! Fellow Catholics!
I hope that you had a blessed 24th Sunday after Pentecost! As you are aware, Bishop Joseph Strickland, a staunch pro-life advocate and supporter of the Tridentine Mass, was removed from the Diocese of Tyler by Pope Francis this Saturday. His Excellency, along with Holy Mother Church, needs our support and prayers. As the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen proclaimed decades ago, that it would be the laity who would save the Church.