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Azerbaijani Army

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Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri


Hier möchte ich euch mal die aserbaidschanischen Streitkräfte vorstellen. Zuerst einmal ein paar allgemeine Fakten.

Allgemeine Fakten

Es besteht eine allgemeine Wehrpflicht ab dem 18. Lebensjahr bis zum 35. Lebensjahr

Die Dienstzeit beträgt 1,5 Jahre für die Soldaten ohne Hochschulabschluss und 1 Jahr für die Hochschulabsolventen

Länder mit denen das Land militärisch zusammenarbeitet sind: Türkei, Pakistan, Ukraine, Weißrussland, Russland, USA

Das Land ist Mitglied in der GUAM-Allianz (Mitglieder sind: Georgien, Ukraine, Aserbaidschan und Moldawien) und bei der Partnerschaft für den Frieden der NATO.

Die Armee

Aktive Soldaten: 150.940
Reservisten: 575.000
Militärbudget: 4,46 Mrd.US-Dollar

Die Armee hat 5 Hauptquartiere:

1. Hauptquartier, die Evlax Armee, liegt in der Nähe von Ganja
2. Hauptquartier, die Pirekeshkul Armee, ist an der Iranisch-Aserbaidschanischen Grenze, und ist gegen die von Armenien kontrollierten Gebiete gedacht
3. Hauptquartier, die Shamkir Armee, ist ebenfalls gegen die von Armenien kontrollierten Gebiete gedacht
4. Hauptquartier, die Baku Armee, ist zum Schutz von Absheron, Baku und der Küste gedacht
5. Hauptquartier, die Nakhchivan Armee, liegt in Nakhichevan, dass eine autonome Republik außerhalb Aserbaischans ist


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Das aserbaidschanische Heer und die Luftstreitkräfte werden zum größten Teil von der türkischen Armee ausgebildet.

‪Azerbaijan Army 2011 - Free Azerbaijan‬‏ - YouTube
die azeri-turken schiessen 2 armenische drohnen ab

[h=4]Azerbaycan, Ermenistan'ın insansız hava araçlarını düşürdü[/h] Azerbaycan'ın Terter bölgesinde Ermenistan Silahlı Kuvvetleri'ne ait 2 insansız hava aracının (İHA) keşif uçuşu sırasında Azerbaycan silahlı kuvvetleri tarafından vurularak düşürüldüğü açıklandı.

Azerbaycan Savunma Bakanlığından yapılan açıklamaya göre, Azerbaycan-Ermenistan cephe hattının Terter bölgesinde, Ermenistan'a ait 2 insansız hava aracı Azerbaycan mevzileri üzerinde keşif uçuşları yaparken belirlendi. Açıklamada, hava araçlarının Azerbaycan askerlerince açılan ateş sonucu düşürüldüğü kaydedildi.
Ermenistan-Azerbaycan cephe hattında 2014 yılında Ermenistan'a ait iki adet Mi-24 helikopterinin bölgede uçuş yaptığı sırada Azerbaycan mevzilerinden ateşlenen IR güdümlü kısa menzilli Igla hava savunma sistemi ile vurulmuştu.

Azerbaycan, Ermenistan'?n insans?z hava araçlar?n? dü?ürdü
[h=4]Türkiye ve Azerbaycan'ın ortak tatbikatı bugün başladı![/h] TURAZ Kartalı-2015 Tatbikatı, Azerbaycan ev sahipliğinde bugün başladı. 18 Eylül'e kadar sürecek tatbikata Türkiye hangi uçaklarla katılıyor?

Geleneksel hale gelen Türk ve Azerbaycan Hava Kuvvetleri'nin katılımıyla yapılan TURAZ Tatbikatı başladı. Muhtemel birleşik bir harekâtta, Türk ve Azerbaycan Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin karşılıklı tanıma/tanıtma, dost/düşman ayırma, hava sahası kontrol ve yönetimi usullerini denemek ve birlikte uçuş yapabilme yeteneğini artırmayı hedefleyen tatbikat hem akademik hem de uçuş eğitimlerinden oluşuyor.
Tatbikat’a; Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığından iki adet S-70 Sikorsky genel maksat helikopteri, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığından altı adet F-16 uçağı, üç adet F-4E/2020 uçağı, bir adet AS-532 Cougar helikopteri katılıyor.

Türkiye ve Azerbaycan'?n ortak tatbikat? bugün ba?lad?!
aserbaidschan greift armenische truppen mit turkischer raketenartillerie tr-107 in bergkarabach an..4 armenische soldaten werden getoetet..

[h=1][Updated] 4 Dead as Azerbaijan Uses Turkish Rocket Launchers in Attack on Karabakh Targets[/h]

Turkish-made TR-107 rocket launchers are being used by Azerbaijani forces

YEREVAN (Combined Sources)—Azerbaijani forces used Turkish-made TR-107 rocket launchers to attack positions in the northwestern border of Artsakh and Azerbaijan on Friday, killing four soldiers, reported the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Ministry, according to the razm.info news agency.
Norair Mikaeli Khachatryan (B. 1995), Robert Sureni Mkrtchyan (B. 1995), Harut Hakopyan (B. 1997) and Karen Gevorki Shahinyan (B. 1997) were identified as the four soldiers killed by Azerbaijani forces, reported razm.info.
The Artsakh defense ministry also identified 60 and 82 millimeter mortars, RPG7, HAN 17 and SPG-9 grenades as the types of weapons being used by the Azerbaijani forces.
This latest attack on Karabakh targets, taking place as Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers are scheduled to meet at the United Nations, was the latest in the attacks by Azerbaijani forces on border region of both Artsakh and Armenia, where on Thursday three women, among them two elderly, were killed and two were injured when rockets were launched in the Tavush region of Armenia.
Azerbaijani forces used artillery weapons and mortars of different caliber as they opened fire in the north-eastern direction of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The shelling left three civilians killed in the Tavush province (Paytsar Arakelyan, 83, Shushan Asatryan, 94, and Sona Revazyan, 41).
“As a rule, the Azerbaijani side resorts to provocative actions on the eve [of] negotiations and meetings targeted at the peaceful resolution of the Karabakh conflict, intentionally escalating tension at the border. This comes to prove that the military-political leadership of the neighboring country ignores initiatives aimed at peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and periodically destabilize the situation at the line of contact,” the Armenian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.
“The current situation is a result of insidious tactics of the Azerbaijani military-political leadership and contradicts the logic of negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group and the principles of international humanitarian law,” the Ministry said.
The Armenian Ministry of Defense urged the Azerbaijani side to refrain from steps aimed at escalation and to take practical measures to stabilize the situation. It also urged residents of villages bordering Azerbaijan to avoid serving as a shield to the Armenian Armed Forces.
“The Armenian Armed Forces will resort to equivalent actions to stabilize the situation and restrain the Azerbaijani troops,” the Ministry said, adding that “the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan will bear full responsibility for the consequences.”

[Updated] 4 Dead as Azerbaijan Uses Turkish Rocket Launchers in Attack on Karabakh Targets | Asbarez.com