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Balkan Stadtwappen

Hier das Wappen von meiner Heimatstadt Skopje.




Teslic is community within Republic of Srpska. Republic of Srpska is entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here is the official coat of arms of Teslic community. I do not have exact info of the date this coat of arm was introduced, but it is undoubtedly from the period after the last war in Bosnia. The coat of arm from the period before the war was the small coat of arm contained within the current one.
Explanation: Green hills represent Borja Mountain, where Teslic is located. Teslic industry depended on the mountain resources (especially lumber) for decades. Pale Blue field in the lower portion of the coat of arm represents Usora river. Tricolor, White Eagle in the background, and the Crown, represent both Serbs as majority and Republic of Srpska as its Country. The text is the name of the town written in Serbian Cyrillic (being it the official language of Srpska). The oak branches represent both dense woods surrounding Teslic and Serbian people (taken as an element from historical coat of arm of Serbs) Red letter "T" within the smaller coat of arm stands for "Teslic". Two vertical brown stripes aside represent the two chimneys of the main factory in Teslic - Destilacija, which was reason for founding the town. Pale blue field in the smaller coat of arm represents Usora river again.
