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Beogradi kërcënon me heqjen e pllakës së Aqif - Efendisë në Novi Pazar

Acif Efendija wurde von der jugoslawischen Führung getötet, weil er nicht in ihr Bild passte. Das Thema hatten wir bereits, 100 Seiten lang. Beweise waren denen völlig egal.


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In April 1941 German Nazi forces appointed Aćif Hadžiahmetović as Major of Novi Pazar.He established Albanian committee of 11 members in Novi Pazar and Muslim gendarmerie which was pro-Albanian and whose members wore symbols of Albania. He was one of the signatories of the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims in 1941. At the same time, with officers like Shaban Polluzha under his command, he organized the defense of the region against attacks by Chetnik forces that targeted Albanian and Muslim civilians.[SUP]

In 1943 he joined the Second League of Prizren and was elected a member of its central committee. A few months later, after the incorporation of Mitrovica into Albania he became a representative of the region in the Albanian parliament along with Ferhat Abidi, Hysen Hysnija and Shaban Mustafa.[SUP]
He was considered as collaborationist of Axis powers during World War II and executed in 1945 by the Yugoslav army, which found him guilty for the murder of c. 7,000 Serbs.

Kannst ja mal lesen was die Resolution von den Moslems Sarajevos war. ;) Und dass er sich damit viele faschistische Feinde machte.
Naja, Kollaborateur ist so'n wort. In erster Linie hat Acif versucht den Bürgern Novi Pazars zu helfen und nicht den Nationalsozialismus zu verbreiten..
Als ob jeder Muslim in der Handschar ein Nazi war und das Morden in Bleiburg gerechtfertigt war...:lol:

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Die Resolution, noch mal für die dummen:

The basis for the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims was a resolution declared by El-Hidaje, an association of ulama from Bosnia and Herzegovina on its assembly held on August 14, 2011.[SUP][5][/SUP] It was written by Mehmed Handžić[SUP][6][/SUP] andKasim Dobrača.[SUP][7][/SUP] All Muslim resolutions of 1941, including the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims, contain the following elements:[SUP][8][/SUP]
  • public condemning of the persecutions of the Serbs by Ustaše
  • distancing from the Muslims who participated in such persecutions and protesting against the attempts to blame the whole Muslim population for the crimes of Ustaša
  • presenting informations about the persecutions of Muslims
The conclusion of the Resolution of Sarajevo Muslims included request for providing the security for all citizens of the country, regardless of their identity, punishing the individuals responsible for the committed atrocities and helping the people who suffered during disorder.[SUP][9][/SUP]
The resolution was officially delivered to Jozo Dumandžić when he visited Sarajevo as minister in the government of Independent State of Croatia.[SUP][10][/SUP] By the order of Ante Pavelić, Dumandžić unsuccessfully attempted to force the signatories of the resolution to recall their signatures.[SUP][11][/SUP] Džafer Kulenović has also been ordered by Pavelić to force the signatories of the resolution to recall their signatures, but he failed too.[SUP][12][/SUP]

Und das hat acif unterschrieben..jebo vas hitler
er war ein nazi bree.....er hat das eiseren kreuz von hitler bekommen und hat über 7000 serben und nicht muslime massakriert und massakrieren lassen ,ein bastard und hund vor dem herrn ...........
Geh dich mal abschlecken lassen von deiner kleinen Bazillenschleuder von Drecksköter :D