Hi, aufgrund eines Posts von Edin Hasanovic bin ich auf dieses Thema gekommen. Am 1 Juni 1992 fiel durch das Massaker in Bijeli Potok (Zvornik) der ,,militärische'' Startschuss für systematische ethnische Säuberungen durch die Serbische Armee (VRS) im Podrinje (Ostbosnien), nachdem es bereits vorher (April/Mai) durch paramilitäre Einheiten (Stichwort: Arkan) an geplanten Verbrechen an Nichtserben in Brcko und Bijeljina kam.. Die Liquidierungen um Zvornik gehören neben Srebrenica und Prijedor zu den größten Verbrechen in Bosnien (Im Jahr 1992 sind im Übrigen deswegen auch die meisten Todesopfer im Bosnienkrieg zu verzeichnen)
Kurz Zusammengefasst:
Das Massaker von Bijeli Potok bezieht sich auf die Massentötung von 750 bosnischen muslimischen Zivilisten durch Serben am 1. Juni 1992 in der Siedlung Bijeli Potok im Dorf Đulići in der Gemeinde Zvornik in Bosnien und Herzegowina..
Hinzu kommt, dass die Leichen zur Vertuschung verscharrt wurden und heute noch ein großer Teil nicht gefunden wurde / weiter vermisst wird.
The Bijeli Potok massacre refers to the mass killing of 750 Bosnian Muslim civilians by Serbs on 1 June 1992 in the settlement Bijeli Potok within the village Đulići, located in the municipality of Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. About 750 Bosnian Muslim men and boys, from the multiple villages around Zvornik, were separated from their families by Serb forces, and slaughtered within a week at Bijeli Potok and their bodies hidden in mass graves throughout the Drina Valley.
As of May 2014, the remains of about 280 of the victims have yet to be found.[SUP][2]
[/SUP]Background and overview[edit]
The Bosnian War started in spring of 1992. On 8 April 1992, Serbs (of the Army of Republika Srpska and Serbian volunteer soldiers) occupied the city of Zvornik and began occupying and ethnically cleansingsurrounding villages of the Bosnian Muslim inhabitants.[SUP][3][/SUP] Bosnian Muslims were ethnically cleansed from all villages between April and May 1992, including Hajdarevići, Dardagani, Đulići, Bijeli Potok, Kučić Kula, Klisa, Šetići, Lupići, Petkovci, Tršić, Radava, Liplje, Čelišmani, Mahmutovići, Sjenokos, and Džine. Some were chased out to the village Klisa. On 31 May 1992 Nurija Jašarević, president of the local community Klisa, and Alija Đulić, president of the local community Đulići, made a deal with the Serb invaders that all of the Bosnian Muslims would relocate to the safe area of Sapna via trucks, cars and tractors in the morning.[SUP][4][/SUP] This never occurred and the following day a massacre occurred in which most Bosnian Muslim men and boys, aged 15 to 80, were killed by the Serbs.
The largest number of victims in this massacre from a single village was from Đulići, with between 176 and 188 victims killed in the 1 June 1992 massacre.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6]
Vor allem dieser Absatz zeigt die ganze Skrupellosigkeit und Kaltblütigkeit der Serben im Bosnienkrieg, welchee sich durch den ganzen Krieg gezogen hat:
[/SUP]On 31 May 1992 Nurija Jašarević, president of the local community Klisa, and Alija Đulić, president of the local community Đulići, made a deal with the Serb invaders that all of the Bosnian Muslims would relocate to the safe area of Sapna via trucks, cars and tractors in the morning.[SUP][4][/SUP] This never occurred and the following day a massacre occurred in which most Bosnian Muslim men and boys, aged 15 to 80, were killed by the Serbs
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Kurz Zusammengefasst:
Das Massaker von Bijeli Potok bezieht sich auf die Massentötung von 750 bosnischen muslimischen Zivilisten durch Serben am 1. Juni 1992 in der Siedlung Bijeli Potok im Dorf Đulići in der Gemeinde Zvornik in Bosnien und Herzegowina..
Hinzu kommt, dass die Leichen zur Vertuschung verscharrt wurden und heute noch ein großer Teil nicht gefunden wurde / weiter vermisst wird.
The Bijeli Potok massacre refers to the mass killing of 750 Bosnian Muslim civilians by Serbs on 1 June 1992 in the settlement Bijeli Potok within the village Đulići, located in the municipality of Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina. About 750 Bosnian Muslim men and boys, from the multiple villages around Zvornik, were separated from their families by Serb forces, and slaughtered within a week at Bijeli Potok and their bodies hidden in mass graves throughout the Drina Valley.
As of May 2014, the remains of about 280 of the victims have yet to be found.[SUP][2]
[/SUP]Background and overview[edit]
The Bosnian War started in spring of 1992. On 8 April 1992, Serbs (of the Army of Republika Srpska and Serbian volunteer soldiers) occupied the city of Zvornik and began occupying and ethnically cleansingsurrounding villages of the Bosnian Muslim inhabitants.[SUP][3][/SUP] Bosnian Muslims were ethnically cleansed from all villages between April and May 1992, including Hajdarevići, Dardagani, Đulići, Bijeli Potok, Kučić Kula, Klisa, Šetići, Lupići, Petkovci, Tršić, Radava, Liplje, Čelišmani, Mahmutovići, Sjenokos, and Džine. Some were chased out to the village Klisa. On 31 May 1992 Nurija Jašarević, president of the local community Klisa, and Alija Đulić, president of the local community Đulići, made a deal with the Serb invaders that all of the Bosnian Muslims would relocate to the safe area of Sapna via trucks, cars and tractors in the morning.[SUP][4][/SUP] This never occurred and the following day a massacre occurred in which most Bosnian Muslim men and boys, aged 15 to 80, were killed by the Serbs.
The largest number of victims in this massacre from a single village was from Đulići, with between 176 and 188 victims killed in the 1 June 1992 massacre.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6]
Vor allem dieser Absatz zeigt die ganze Skrupellosigkeit und Kaltblütigkeit der Serben im Bosnienkrieg, welchee sich durch den ganzen Krieg gezogen hat:
[/SUP]On 31 May 1992 Nurija Jašarević, president of the local community Klisa, and Alija Đulić, president of the local community Đulići, made a deal with the Serb invaders that all of the Bosnian Muslims would relocate to the safe area of Sapna via trucks, cars and tractors in the morning.[SUP][4][/SUP] This never occurred and the following day a massacre occurred in which most Bosnian Muslim men and boys, aged 15 to 80, were killed by the Serbs
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