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Big-Wave-Surfing vor Portugal

Nervenkitzel auf Monsterbrechern

Wenn sich die Wellen vor Portugal zu 20-Meter-Ungetümen aufbäumen, dann sind sie da: Die Big-Wave-Surfer von Nazaré.





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2014 Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar



Star Cluster Pismis 24. Pismis 24 lies in the core of the large nebula NGC 6357, some 8,000 light years away. Part of the gaseous nebula is ionized by the youngest (bluest) heavy stars in Pismis 24. The intense ultraviolet radiation from the blazing stars heats the gas surrounding the cluster and creates a bubble in NGC 6357. The presence of these surrounding gas clouds makes probing into the region even harder. (NASA, ESA and Jesús Maíz Apellaniz/Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía)
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2014 Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar



The Cat's Eye Nebula. This Hubble image of the Cat's Eye Nebula shows a bull's eye pattern of eleven or even more concentric rings, or shells. Each "ring" is actually the edge of a spherical bubble seen projected onto the sky - that's why it appears bright along its outer edge. Observations suggest the star ejected its mass in a series of pulses at 1,500-year intervals. These convulsions created dust shells, each of which contain as much mass as all of the planets in our solar system combined (still only one percent of the Sun's mass). These concentric shells make a layered, onion-skin structure around the dying star. The view from Hubble is like seeing an onion cut in half, where each skin layer is discernible. (NASA, ESA, HEIC, STScI/AURA)

PS: ca. 3.000 LJ entfernt, im Sternbild des Drachen...