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Schön würzen und in den Backofen, dannach so Braten damit die Haut schön knusprig ist und dann etwas sauce

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Oher das war nur ein Witz denk nicht ich bin ein Psycho wie Amphi ich würde solche niedliche Tiere niemals schlachten, el Don hat gesprochen
Wieso? Klingt doch lecker. :homer:
2014 Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar



Inside the Orion Nebula. This dramatic image offers a peek inside a cavern of roiling dust and gas where thousands of stars are forming inside the Orion Nebula. More than 3,000 stars of various sizes appear in this image. The bright central region is the home of the four heftiest stars in the nebula called the Trapezium. Ultraviolet light unleashed by these stars is carving a cavity in the nebula and disrupting the growth of hundreds of smaller stars. (NASA, ESA, M. Robberto/STScI)

Entfernung: ca. 1.350 Lichtjahre
2014 Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar



Dust Lanes in Galaxy NGC 7049. This galaxy is located the constellation of Indus, in the southern sky. A family of globular clusters appears as glittering spots dusted around the galaxy halo. Astronomers study the globular clusters in NGC 7049 to learn more about its formation and evolution. The dust lanes, which appear as a lacy web, are dramatically backlit by the millions of stars in the halo of NGC 7049. (NASA, ESA and W. Harris/McMaster University, Ontario, Canada)

Durchmesser der Galaxie: ca. 150.000 Lichtjahre
Entfernung: ca. 100 Mio. Lj
2014 Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar



A Rainbow in the Egg Nebula. Resembling a rippling pool illuminated by underwater lights, the Egg Nebula offers astronomers a special look at the normally invisible dust shells swaddling an aging star. These dust layers, extending over one-tenth of a light-year from the star, have an onionskin structure that forms concentric rings around the star. A thicker dust belt, running almost vertically through the image, blocks off light from the central star. Twin beams of light radiate from the hidden star and illuminate the pitch-black dust, like a shining flashlight in a smoky room. The artificial "Easter-Egg" colors, derived from polarizing filters, are used to dissect how the light reflects off the smoke-sized dust particles and then heads toward Earth. (NASA, STScI/AURA)

Entfernung: ca. 3.000 Lj, im Sternbild "Schwan"...
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