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Bilderthread über albanische Krieger und sonstige Albaner (traditionell)


Vasil Laçi on police photo before execution

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Vasil Laçi (1922–1941, People's Hero of Albania), was an Albanian patriot and monarchist, who attempted to kill Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy and Shefqet Bej Vërlaci, Prime Minister of Albania after the occupation of Albania by fascist Italy.


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The Arnaut soldier of the Ottoman armies:

''The type of courage for which the Albanians are so famous throughout Europe is Greek in every feature (as in Homerian heroes: Achilles, Odysseus etc).
No one understands this better than the Turks. They accordingly recruit their armies as much as possible from the hill-country of Macedonia and Illyria.
Whenever the robber class is overstocked the Albanians drift from brigandage into the pasha's army, and no other class of the Turkish soldiery is so much esteemed for valor and activity in the field. It was this element in the Turkish army during the Crimean war that called forth the admiration and almost the emulation of the British and French soldiers who were their allies against the Russians.
The Zouave uniform and method of drill which have become popular in several parts of Europe and America are largely Albanian in their origin..''

From: Ridpath's history of the world; being an account of the ethnic origin, primitive estate, early migrations, social conditions and present promise of the principal families of men .. (1897)

Author: Ridpath, John Clark, 1840-1900

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