sehe ich nicht so.sehe ich nicht so.
und auch wenn es diese familie ernst meint,
mit dieser meinung stehen sie praktisch alleine da.
Ne menge Muslime und Katholiken sind durchaus bereit klar stellung zu beziehen zu dem was in ihrer naechsten Umgebung passiert ist.
So z.b. auch Ismet Djuheric:
Dani: Company of Honest Aggressors, March 3 2000I used to say, let us at least protect ourselves together, since we already live together, Serbs, Croats and Muslims. Extremists among Croats and Muslims were against that and I can tell you that both groups tried to convince me to join them. Not because of ideals, but because of interests, since they probably expected that my reputation and my knowledge in connection with my work could have helped their cause. They said: "Join us, nothing will happen to you". That was evident when they attacked me later. I was attacked by the members of the militia which had been formed in Brod at the start of March 1992 and had exclusively Croat and Muslim members. The first commander of the military police in Bosanski Brod was Josip Bilic. All of them were appointed based on the orders coming from Slavonski Brod. Serbs had already withdrawn to Lijesce.