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Christenverfolgung in Israel

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[h=1]Christian Zionists prefer to ignore Bethlehem's Palestinians[/h] Why does America’s largest Christian Zionist organization continue to ignore the plight of its co-religionists in Jesus’ birthplace?

In a December email campaign in the weeks preceding Christmas, CUFI’s leaders declared:
Israel’s enemies are also our enemies, and they are mounting an aggressive campaign on all fronts to cause innocents harm, especially during the holidays. The BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) agenda continues aggressively to harm Israel’s economy by organizing boycotts of Israeli made goods.

Hier geht es aber um christliche Palästinenser! Deine Scheiss westlichen Christenclubs interessieren sich einen SCHEISS UM DIE ! U-Boote stecken sie dem Verbrecherstaat in den Arsch!

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