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Das Zitat des Tages

Quelle Facebook....

der Rapper Sin/Sizzerb

Sin attention serbs in america: once spain wins set local taco bells on fire...srbi iz srbije boycott their gay spanske serije
Offspring Of Mama's Beauty: North Korea qualifies for World Cup!!
Quelle: offspringofmamasbeauty.blogspot.com
I'm so proud of these little commies and I'll surely be cheering for them if Serbia loses...in other news Bosnia's best player is a Serb and he has same b day as me so he must be cool...and to leave you with some additional info on how the North Koreans get down:

Quelle Facebook....:Der angeblich serbische "Rapper" Sin aka Filip Filipi
"Im übrigen gilt ja hier derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als der, der den Schmutz macht."

Kurt Tucholsky

wie wahr wie wahr :-({|=