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Der Albaner und große Architekt Sinan

Hier liess ..ich übersetzt es auf deutsch....


Adolf Thieres ishte personalitet i shquar i kohës se tij, historian i dëgjuar francez i cili ka shkruar dhe historinë e revolucionit francez dhe që më vonë u bë President i Francës. Në kujtimet e tij, Adolf Thieres shkruan: Kur Josef Bonaparti, vëllai i madh i Napoleon Bonapartit u bë mbret i Napolit më 1806, shqiptarëve të Napolit që shkuan për t'i uruar mirëseardhjen u tha: Edhe familja Bonaparti është me origjinë arbëreshe.
Mbi origjinën e familjes Bonaparti shkruan edhe profesor Robert d'Angely me origjinë nga Korsika në veprën e tij 'Enigmat e origjinës së racave dhe të gjuhëve të pellazgëve, arianëve, helenëve, etruskëve, grekëve dhe shqiptarëve'. Libër prej 7 vëllimesh dhe i arrirë pas mbi 30 vjet pune. Në faqen 113-117 shkruan se Napoleon Bonaparti ishte shqiptar ashtu si ishte Aleksandri i Madh dhe Skënderbeu. Ky profesor i dëgjuar korsikan shton se mbiemri i vjetër i Bonapartit ka qenë 'Kalë-miri' dhe jo Kalimeros, ana e mirë si e bënë grekërit.


Adolf Thieres war die Person der in der Zeit über ihm geschrieben hat in der Zeit der Revolutuion in Frankreich.....er war erst nach Napolen , Präsident Frankreichs:

Als Josef Bonaparte , der große Bruder von Napoleon bonaparte, 1806 König von Neapel wurde , haben die albanische Bewohner der Stadt (Arberesh) in gehuldigt....er erwiderte der Masse zu ..das die Familie Bonaparte ebenfalls Arberesh seien...

Über die Familiebiographie wie auch über die Geschichte von Korsika schrieb Robert d'Angely

Die Familie stammt ursprünglich aus Italien......und waren anscheinend Arberesh/Albaner und nicht aus Korsika....dort sind sie augewandert..das französisch wurde...dort ist Napoleon geboren.

PS.Napoleon hatte in seine Armee auch eine albanische Reiteregiment aus Süditalien ..die davor für die Spanier in Schlachfeldern kämpften..
Ich hab gehört, der hatte nur gute Kontakte zu Muhammad Ali Pasha, oder Ali Pasha Tepelena, keine Ahnung mehr..
Hier habe ich was wichtiges gefunden ..was glaubhafter..genau wie ich es gesagt habe...

Ist keine albanische..sondern eine englische Seite ..die dies bestätigt..


According to the well-known French
memoir writer Laure Junot, Duchess d’Abrantès (née Permon) (1784-1838), the
renowned French statesman and historian Adolphe Thiers (1797-1877), and the
French linguist and ethnographer Robert D’Angely (1893-1966), Napoleon
Bonaparte also is of Albanian origin. The three French authors maintain that
Napoleon came from the Albanian community in Corsica. Albania’s defeat by the
Turks in the latter part of the fifteenth century caused an Albanian exodus of
Biblical proportion towards the West. Napoleon’s ancestors are thought to have
moved from Albania to Mani in Southern Greece before immigrating to Corsica.

The remarks of the above-mentioned French authors about Napoleon’s Albanian
origin have not escaped the attention of the Albanians, who are understandingly
interested in exploring further the genealogy of one of the most prominent
European figures over the last three centuries.
But if the Albanians will have to do more research to claim Napoleon as one of
their ‘own’, they are in much safer grounds when it comes to the Albanian roots of
numerous internationally famous people of our time.
Der große osmanische Architekt Kasemi , der Musterschüler und Nachfolger vom Sinan , er ist ebenfalls Albaner


Architect Kasemi

Architect Kasemi (1570 - 1659) (Turkish: Mimar Kasım or Koca Kasım Ağa), born in the village Gramsh of Tomorrica, Skrapar in Albania, was a master of Ottoman classical architecture. He graduated in architecture in Istanbul and was ranked among the closest assistants of Architect Sinan.

After the death of chief court architect Hasan Ağa in 1622, he became the chief architect of the Ottoman Empire, and has created original monumental works such as Bagdad Kiosk, Revan Kiosk, Kiosk in faience within Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. He rebuilt one of the most beautiful buildings of Topkapi Palace, Sepetçiler Pavilion in Sarayburnu. Architect Kasım Ağa projected the second largest covered shopping mall, the Spice Bazaar in Eminönü, which was completed in 1660 by Architect Mustafa. He constructed also many works in Albania such as inns, bridges, baths and the tracks of Medieval roads in Berat, Korcë, etc.

Involved in court disputes, he was exiled to Gallipoli in 1644. After one year he was pardoned, and returned to the palace. Kasım Ağa exceled more in politics than in architecture. So, by helping Köprülü Mehmet Paşa to ascend to the post of grand vizier, he initiated the Köprülü era in the Ottoman history. He died in 1659.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architect_Kasemi"