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Der einzige Zoo in Albanien ist am Ende


Praktisch gibt es keine Tiere mehr in diesem Zoo und die Gebäude sind desolat mit gebrochenen Fenstern usw..

The zoo toward desolation
The zoo in Tirana, unique in the country, has already lost its previous vividness.Now, there have remained only some decrepit animals and only two kinds of birds out of tens that existed before. Even the building where the animals are exposed to visitors is extremely downgraded. Its ceiling leaks everywhere and the windows are broken. The cages’ protective bars and nets are torn and patched creating an awful and insecure picture. Some of the cages are empty while, in some others live two lions, two bears, a wolf, a monkey, a pheasant, seven eagles and some further down seven Australian sheep. These are all the animals locked and exposed in the miserable cages of the zoo to entertain the rare visitors. The animals have the breakfast around 10.00 am. There is thrown a big piece of meat in every carnival’s cage. According to employees of the zoo, the animals are fed with donkey meat, which is bought through a tender organised by Tirana municipality. According to zoo employees, the average age of animals kept in this zoo varies around 15- 20 years and all the existing animals are about 15. The need for investment is obvious everywhere, from the roof, in immediate need for intervention, windows, and cages up to the animals that need to be renovated and enriched with other kinds. The breakfast appears abundant; the monkey has boiled eggs, carrots and bread, while the lions, wolf and eagles split a piece of meat and the bears have bread and apples.

lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Praktisch gibt es keine Tiere mehr in diesem Zoo und die Gebäude sind desolat mit gebrochenen Fenstern usw..

The zoo toward desolation
The zoo in Tirana, unique in the country, has already lost its previous vividness.Now, there have remained only some decrepit animals and only two kinds of birds out of tens that existed before. Even the building where the animals are exposed to visitors is extremely downgraded. Its ceiling leaks everywhere and the windows are broken. The cages’ protective bars and nets are torn and patched creating an awful and insecure picture. Some of the cages are empty while, in some others live two lions, two bears, a wolf, a monkey, a pheasant, seven eagles and some further down seven Australian sheep. These are all the animals locked and exposed in the miserable cages of the zoo to entertain the rare visitors. The animals have the breakfast around 10.00 am. There is thrown a big piece of meat in every carnival’s cage. According to employees of the zoo, the animals are fed with donkey meat, which is bought through a tender organised by Tirana municipality. According to zoo employees, the average age of animals kept in this zoo varies around 15- 20 years and all the existing animals are about 15. The need for investment is obvious everywhere, from the roof, in immediate need for intervention, windows, and cages up to the animals that need to be renovated and enriched with other kinds. The breakfast appears abundant; the monkey has boiled eggs, carrots and bread, while the lions, wolf and eagles split a piece of meat and the bears have bread and apples.


ganz albanien ist ein verwahrloster zoo.....