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DIASPORA - Hellenes worldwide

Susan Sideropoulos - Die hellenische Schönheit aus GZSZ 8) 8) 8)




Eine süße Maus 8) 8) 8)
Hellenen in Marinoupolis - Die griechische Hauptstadt der Ukraine


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From history of Greeks of Priazovye

The Greek settlements in Priazovye were founded in 1780ths. Resettlement of Greeks to the bounds of Russian Empire on the lands won from Turkey was promoted by a policy of the government of Ekaterina II. Long-term bloody wars between Russia and Turkey for possession of Crimea and adjoining territories have led to transition of the vast lands by the Azov and Black seas under jurisdiction of Russia. The question of settling and development of new possessions have arisen for the Russian government. The region was thinly populated and the grounds remained uncultivated before arrival of resettlers from the Crimean peninsula.

Wishing to undermine the economy of Crimean Khanate and current balance of forces the Russian government actively stimulated moving the Greek Christian population from peninsula to northern shore of Azov Sea and adjacent territories. There are many questions concerning history of resettlement of Greeks and results of the resettlement are estimated ambiguously. Begun in 1778, resettlement of the orthodox Greek population from Crimea to Priazovye lasted for several years. The strings of carts and wagons moved towards the Azov coast.

It turned out that these events of more than two hundred years' prescription, well-known to teachers, regional specialists and other representatives of the Greek intellectuals, appeared almost completely forgotten by common Greeks. So, some of our informants were at a loss of the answer to the question how it has turned out that their ancestors have settled in Priazovye. As we specified that in Crimea exists similar toponyms (Yalta, Gurzuf, Old Crimea) many asserted that it is no more than a simple concurrence, i.e. they did not see any causal relationship in this concurrence.

Nevertheless, stories about resettlement are still told among families of Greek intellectuals. By these stories, resettlers had no precise plan of action. They've been granted a right to choose lands for settlement. Valentina Ivanovna Chelpan (born in 1950) from Yalta has told us, that her native settlement was founded in the winter by people exhausted by hard journey. They wandered on snow-covered steppe for a long time when they have seen the sea in the distance and exclaimed: "Yallo!" ("Yallo" means "sea" in local dialect). They have decided to settle in this place and named it "Yalta". Most of villagers adhere to this folk etymology.

Actually, resettlers named the new settlements accordingly to those places in Crimea where they came from. On a modern map of Donetskaya oblast you can find villages Yalta, Urzuf, Old Crimea, Sartana, etc. There is a disctrict named Massandra in the Yalta.

Several decades were spent by resettlers to develop the new territories. The main employments of local residents were farming, cattle and sheep breeding, vegetable growing. Crafts and trade prospered. Villages remained almost monoethnic for a long time. Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians, representatives of other nationalities began to settle here later.

In total, there were founded 21 villages and city of Mariupol by Greeks in Priazovye. Mariupol is known as "the Greek capital of Ukraine" up to now.

The village of Small Yanisol is known among Greeks as Harahla (with an accent on the second syllable) and its inhabitants as harahloty.

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