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Die besten Fighter

port80 schrieb:
Nedd schrieb:
port80 schrieb:
Nedd schrieb:
Bester Streetfighter ist ganz klar Kimbo!

welche turniere hat er gewonnen????

Er ist ein "Streetfighter". Um dir das mal klarer zu machen hast du hier 2 Videos:



Ja, der mit dem langen Bartwuchs.

lieber mit axel schulz oder michalcevski im ring als mit ihn auf der
strasse ist halt knall hart und nicht jedermans sache...

mike tyson hat als er im knast war sogar von jemand aufs maul bekommen....
strasse ist geil!!!

wobei die aber sehr fair boxen
hier einer der besten figther zur zeit.............

Royce Gracie was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The 39-year-old Gracie is one of nine children, seven of whom are boys. His training in Jiu-Jitsu began at a very early age as a game with his father Helio, now 88 years old. Helio never pushed any of the children to take formal classes until they wanted to do so, however they often went to the Academy in Rio after school and on weekends.

Royce began competing in tournaments at age eight
He received his blue belt at age 16 and was promoted to black belt in less than two years. Royce moved to the United States at age 18 to live with his brother, Rorion. They began teaching private classes out of their garage, sometimes for more than ten hours a day. Rorion and Royce opened the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy eleven years ago in Torrance, California. Today it is one of the largest martial arts schools in the country.

Royce’s reputable career as a fighter began in 1993 after defeating three opponents in the first Ultimate Fighting Championship.

sein vater hat noch nie einen kampf verloren ...er soll über 1000 kämpfe gahbat haben.....schaut euch die unscheinbare gestalt an ....meistens sind solche die gefährlichsten......

